Wednesday, November 25, 2009



In Israel, Rome and the USA the Catholic Church does not have any Mission Office as in the past. Today Mission for them means having funds and going to another country to help in a local Catholic parish. Today the Gospel being proclaimed focuses on love.Just as the Hindus speak of the love of Brahma or the deity and New Agers of the Cosmic Being and Creative Intelligence, we are to  speak about the love of God in Jesus Christ. This is acceptable also for the secular (Zionist) powers in Rome, Israel and the USA. Also, for the Islamic countries.

This is what the Parish Priest of the Basilica of San Marco in Rome says. He and the other priests including those with the New Catechumenal say only speak about the love of God. That’s all.

The Holy Father Benedict XVI sent Cardinal Ivan Dias, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, a message on the occasion of the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation, held November 16-18, 2009 at the Urbaniana University on "St. Paul and the new Areopagus" (see Fides 12/11/2009).He called for the proclamation of the Gospel.

How can there be a proclamation of the Gospel without a conversion into the Catholic Church for all concerned? This was St.Pauls message.At that time there was just the Catholic Church.The Orthodox Churches and Luther came centuries later.

Jesus told the Jews and Gentiles that they had to convert into the only Church He founded to avoid Hell (for salvation).
Today however the proclamation of the Gospel  has been adapted for survival.

The call to proclaim the Gospel excludes the USA. The Archdiocese of Boston for example has no Mission Office to the Jews. So which Gospel is being proclaimed there?

Cardinal Bertone, Kaspar and Bagnacso have publically said that Jews do not have to convert in the present times. This is syncretism. So which Gospel is to be proclaimed?

Last month the English cardinal was appointed a member for the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Vatican.He has been publically teaching syncretism.Not only has he dismantled the Church’s teaching on exclusive-salvation he has also enforced brand -new Masonic ideology. Practicing homosexuals were given the Eucharist at Mass in Soho, London .The practice still continues.Pro abortion Tony Blair was allowed to convert. The Blair’s were/are allowed the Eucharist on Sundays. No mortal sin or Hell to believe in.

Probably the Chief Rabbi in Israel called up Rabbi Segni in Rome who put in a call to Cardinal Bertone in favour of the cardinal. Anything is possible these days. Enemies of the Church would like their man monitoring the office of Evangelization and the appointment of Catholic bishops world wide.

The Chief Rabbi announced that dialogue would end when the case of Bishop Richard Williamson came up. An Italian newspaper reported there was a threat of war.

There was a threat of hostilities  earlier over the Revised Good Friday prayer.Cardinals Bertone and Kaspar announced on the front page of the L'Osservatore Romano, Jews no longer needed to convert in the present time.
This is a new Gospel.

Cardinal Ivan Dias, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of People was once quoted by Christ to the World, the Catholic Mission magazine, as saying apologetics should not be apologetically.

The cardinal’s surname suggests he probably had family-origins in Goa,the former Portughese colony now annexed by India, where St. Francis Xavier once taught exclusive-salvation. Apologetics with no apologies.But the Gospel message is apologetical when cardinals and bishops will not publically teach exclusive salvation is there in only the Catholic Church.

Instead a Franciscan nun employed at the Propaganda Fide office, Piazza Spagna is recorded on You Tube, as saying those in invincible ignorance do not have to convert. ( good sister, an Italian, who works in the same building as Cardinal Ivan Dias, says this is what is being taught (in Catholic universities) and this is what she is expected to say.

How can she or Cardinal Ivan judge who is in invincible ignorance in Rome or elsewhere?

So what, which, who’s Gospel is going to be proclaimed as the Holy Father has asked?

The Masonic-Communist forces will not tolerate any reference to Hell. If they did, their entire secular –leftist ideology would collapse.

Abortion leads to Hell (with has fire), homosexuality-to Hell (with flames), syncretism-to Hell (with filthy water which smells of reptiles), immodesty to Hell (with screams and cries of despair), secular instead of Catholic governments-(inability to love anyone or anything), euthanasia-(seeing people who mislead you for eternity, including relatives)…ad nauseam.

So Hell does not figure among the secularists and leftists.
The Gospel has been changed by enemies of the Church.
However there are exceptions. Here and there.Catholics are still faithful to the Gospel in its purity. These Catholics are the hope of the future.

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