Saturday, November 21, 2009


The Archbishop of Canterbury speaking at the Gregorian University at an ecumenical meeting of liberal Christians, said that there is no change in Church ecclesiology (under standing of Church) it was reported in the Times online (Nov.20,2009)

‘“As such, it is an imaginative pastoral response to the needs of some; but it does not break any fresh ecclesiological ground,” he told the meeting of senior priests, bishops and cardinals.'
The new members of the Catholic Church, former Anglicans, it should be mentioned are now saved. Since they are no more Anglicans and have entered the Catholic Church.

Rowan Williams soul, unlike those of the new convert Anglicans, is in risk of eternal damnation.( Vatican Council II , Ad Gentes 7,Lumen Gentium 14.Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston, Ex cathedra dogma of the Bull Unam Sanctam, Council of Florence).

So he is correct, in a sense, there is no change in Church ecclesiology.(Unitatis Redintigratio 3,Ut Unum Sint). But not in the way he and Cardinal Kaspar understand Catholic ecclesiology.

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