Sunday, November 15, 2009


When we pray the Creed why do we say; "I believe…in the Resurrection of the body´ Today morning the second priest at the small Purgatory Museum in Rome was denying that there was ‘material fire’ in Purgatory.

Even the lady sacristan who conducts tours of the Museum for visitors and religious says there is no fire in Purgatory.

Today morning there was a new priest there. I asked him if he believed Purgatory has fire. He said yes certainly.
When I went back to get his name on a piece of paper the sacristan had spoken to him, about me. He would not give his name.

I said padre I was happy to meet a priest who says Purgatory has fire. He replied there is no “material fire” there.

So I said in the presence of the sacristan that they both say there is no fire. While the Museum shows there is fire in Purgatory which can burn wood, cloth and paper.

The sacristan lit a match and said to me this is a flame. This is fire.

I said yes. And it burns wood and clothes. Like it is shown in the museum.

“How you know there is no fire in Purgatory”, I asked.'The Catechism says there is fire.'

She replied there is only the suffering of the absence of God in Purgatory and there is no fire. She did not realize that this is the politically correct version for Hell. And she was mixing it up with Purgatory.

This is our faith she said and the Church Fathers say there is no fire

She was trying to control her feelings and said that in the past it was believed that there was fire in Purgatory. People believed in this she said when there was no television .Now with better communication and television she added, people do not believe in all this.

“How does T.V know that there is no fire in Purgatory?”

She told me not to make her angry and please leave.

There was a glossy colored booklet on sale in Italian on the need to pray for people in Purgatory. She picked it up and read something from it.But I was not listening.

I said to myself these people here are completely out of touch with reality.

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