Thursday, December 3, 2009



A Dominican professor of theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum, today morning rejected the Catholic dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. On the feast day of St. Francis Xavier, Father Robert Christian O.P told about 50 young Catholic religious, men and women, that it was ‘untenable to hold the medieval understanding’ of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The American professor said that extra ecclesiam nulla salus, outside the Church no salvation, did not apply to the whole world accepting or not accepting Christ. It referred to only those who knew about the faith, he said, and were leaving the faith in apostasy.

He cited Fr. Francis Sullivan S.J’s book. It also rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as medieval and contrary to Vatican Council II.

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus was originally for people who had lapsed from the faith said Prof. Robert Christian in his Ecclesiology class which began at 10 30.a.m and concluded by midday in room number 7 at the Angelicum University,Rome.

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus was not about a way of being ‘in or out’ of the Catholic Church he mentioned in his talk in English.

‘Full incorporation’ into the Catholic Church was ‘not a mechanistic view’ he observed and called for ‘openness’.

Lumen Gentium, Vatican Council II numbers 14,15 and 16 is a reiteration of the principle of extra ecclesiam nulla salus he believed and that it applies to those ‘knowingly’ outside the Church.

To know and to be outside the Church he said would be ‘contumacious’.

Those with in invincible ignorance and with a baptism of desire he noted, can also be saved.

Speaking on the subject of the Hierarchy, which was part of the lecture-notes he had already given the students, Fr. Christian said that the Catholic Magisterium is ‘those who make the distinctions but are not followed by all’ and in the past the Magisterium taught by anathemizing.

The different Modes of the Magisterium were explained and that the Extraordinary Mode of the Magisterium was when the pope spoke ex cathedra with dogmatic definitions and proclamations, it was solemn and dogmatic. In the Extraordinary Mode of the Magisterium he said there is an act. He mentioned the dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady

The Ordinary Mode of the Magisterium included encyclicals, apostolic letters etc.

He then moved to the subject of infallibility and pointed out that the act of teaching of the pope is infallible. The pope is infallible on faith and morals he said and that the Church teachings are a matter of faith, otherwise there is, for instance, no other way you can say Jesus is God and man said the Catholic professor.

The Dominican priest was a contradiction, contradicting his own teachings.

Extraordinary Mode for instance: Extra ecclesiam nulla salus was an extraordinary solemn Magisterium teaching. It means de facto all people, everyone, with no exceptions, need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. It was ex cathedra and similar to the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady.

So it was obligatory for Fr. Robert Christian to believe in the dogma which said : de facto everybody had to be a member of the Catholic Church with no exceptions to go to Heaven and avoid Hell. Those who rejected this dogma were outside the Church, in mortal sin. It applied to Fr. Robert Christian O.P today.

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus was also part of the Ordinary Mode of the Magisterium explained in Dominus Iesus 20, the Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis S.J by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Prefect, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Redemptoris Missio 55, Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II etc.

When Fr. Robert Christian is unable to teach that de facto everyone needs to enter the Church with no exceptions, for salvation, he rejects the teaching on the infallibility of the pope on a faith-issue.

He is also indicating that a dogma can be altered with a new doctrine and also suggesting practically that it can be revoked.

Fellow Dominican St.Thomas Aquinas’ explanation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus is also being put aside. St. Thomas taught that everyone without exception needs to de facto enter the Catholic Church for salvation. However de jure, in principle and theory, there could be people in invincible ignorance who are saved and known only to God.

Instead Fr. Robert Christian implied that implicit salvation (baptism of desire etc) was the ordinary, de facto way of salvation for non-Catholics.

Ad Gentes 7 and other Church documents maintain that Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water is the de facto normal, ordinary way to go to Heaven for all people in general.

Since in reality Fr. Robert Christian rejects

1) A solemn dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as taught by the Catholic Church.

2) the infallibility of the pope/popes on this issue,

3) and teaches a new doctrine that de facto non Catholics can be saved in general when they are in invincible ignorance or have the baptism of desire - as contrasts to non Catholics being saved de jure in invincible ignorance and with the baptism of desire, which only God can judge

he has no right to celebrate Holy Mass until he receives absolution in the Confessional and makes public amends to rectify the scandal. He is in manifest mortal sin.

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