Sunday, December 13, 2009


Traditional Anglican priests who recently converted are being vetted for the Roman Catholic priesthood in England, by english bishops who permit practicing homosexuals to receive the Eucharist at Mass in a Church in Soho, London.

The Anglican convert priests need to get the approval and acceptance as priests on an individual basis in a process conducted by the non-traditional Roman Catholic Bishops of England and Scotland.

Also Anglican convert priests who reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus will be accepted as Catholic priests in England and Scotland. They will have to choose the compromised-formula, the new doctrine which says de facto those non-Catholics in invincible ignorance or with a good conscience can be saved and do not have to enter the Catholic Church.

The Anglicans have been inspired by the Holy Spirit to enter the Catholic Church. Now they are faced with a new obstacle to living the true faith.

According to the Archdiocese of Westminister Soho Mass Pastoral Council announcement on the Internet :

14. Homosexuals have the same need for the Sacraments as the heterosexual. They also have the same right to receive the Sacraments. In determining whether or not to administer Absolution or give Communion to a homosexual, a pastor must be guided by the general principles of fundamental theology, that only a certain moral obligation may be imposed. An invincible doubt, whether of law or fact, permits one to follow a true and solidly ‘probable opinion’ in favour of a more liberal interpretation.
On Oct 10, 2009 Catholics held a Rosary Procession in Reparation, for the sacrilegous Soho Masses approved by the Archdiocese of Westminster. Leaflets were distributed by Pro Ecclesia Et Pontifice, England.

The Pastoral Council of Westminster and those in the Reparation Procession are following two different Catholic moral teachings.

Homosexuality is a mortal sin and a person needs absolution in the Confessional. Assuming a person has received absolution and has not committed sodomy or had wilful thoughts of lust (willful lust is a mortal sin also for heterosexuals) he could decide if he was worthy to receive the Eucharist.

If a person is an active homosexual and flaunts it in public through the internet and civil parternerships as announced by the Pastoral Council of the Westminster Archdiocese and lay homosexual websites it is a mortal sin.

It is a sacrilege to receive the Eucharist.

It is sacrilegious communion for the priests giving them the Eucharist.

Persons in public sin are not allowed to receive the Eucharist.The new announcement by the Soho Mass participants and organisers on the internet show that they are affiliated with homosexual organisations and are practising homosexuals.

The Church teaching is that homosexuality is a scandal-a mortal sin. It is an unnatural act and an impure act- a mortal sin.

The Soho Mass Pastoral Council No.14 is a rebellion. It indicates that the exceptions make the rule. It is contrary to the teachings of Veritatis Splendor, Pope John Paul II's moral encyclical.It is a new moral teaching.

The Church's moral teaching has not changed. The homosexual is oriented to Hell if he dies immediately without Confession.

The Pastoral Council is saying that practising homosexuals are not in mortal sin. Westminister is saying that in general the homosexuals are not in mortal sin.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says homosexuality is an intrinsically evil act. Veritatis Splendor says that an intrinsically evil act is always a mortal sin, even if one suggests that the person is not aware of the sin.

Veritatis Splendour is clear that there is no 'invincible doubt'. Also we cannot judge who has an 'invincible doubt'.Veritatis Splendor says that the exterior action indicates the interior intention.It calls mortal sin a mortal sin.

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