Wednesday, December 16, 2009


EWTN insists Pope Pius XII was fallible.

So do priests of the Legionaries of Christ, one of them my former Spiritual Director, Fr. Andrez Martinez L.C. This was when I was a seminarian for a month (2002) at the Pontifical International Maria Mater Ecclesia College, the seminary of the Legionaries of the Christ in Rome. This was also the teaching of the Rector of another seminary, the Pontifical Beda College, Mons. Roderick Strange. (2002-2003).Mons. Strange is still the Rector of the Beda, the seminary for late vocations under the bishops of England and Wales.

They insist that Fr. Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for heresy.

He was excommunicated for teaching that de facto all people with no exceptions, needed to enter the Catholic Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

This is also the ex-cathedra teaching of three Councils and popes. So it means that Pope Pius XII contradicted the ex cathedra teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So he was fallible on a faith issue. Since both he and the other popes cannot be correct. Either de facto everybody needs to enter the Catholic Church Jesus’ Mystical Body for salvation or everybody does not have to de facto enter e.g. those in invincible ignorance and with a good conscience.

The Vatican has never issued a clarification on the Boston Case and the political position of the Jewish Left media is that the Church has changed its position on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This is also the view of The National Catholic Reporter and The Tablet, their sister organisations.

Apologist Patrick Madrid also states that Fr. Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for heresy.

May be he innocently holds this view but he has not corrected it in comments made recently and in questions asked of him on this blog.

PATRICK MADRID is the publisher of Envoy Magazine, a journal of contemporary Catholic thought, and he is director of the Envoy Institute of Belmont Abbey College. Since its inception in 1996, the Envoy team has garnered numerous journalism awards, including several first-place awards in the magazine-of-the-year “General Excellence” category from the Catholic Press Association.

Patrick is the author or editor of 14 books and booklets on Catholic themes including, Pope Fiction, Search and Rescue, Does the Bible Really Say That?, and 150 Bible Verses Every Catholic Should Know. He edited and co-authored the acclaimed multi-volume Surprised by Truth series (over 500,000 combined copies in print in English and Spanish).-from the website of Patrick Madrid

It may be mentioned that the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Richard Cushing did not specifically condemn Fr. Leonard Feeney for heresy. It affirmed the dogma and so supported Fr. Leonard Feeney’s so called ‘rigorist position’.

The first part of the Letter referred to the dogma and the second part to the disobedience of Fr. Leonard Feeney and the St. Benedict’s Center to the Archbishop of Boston. Fr. Feeney was excommunicated for ‘disobedience’.

The excommunication was lifted without the priest having to recant.

Meanwhile the Archbishop of Boston was never excommunicated and neither the Jesuits of Boston College, for not affirming the dogma publicly.

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