Saturday, December 26, 2009


The Servant of God and Vicar of Christ Pope Pius XII loved the Jews and saved many of them from being killed. There is enough documentation to corroborate his role in protecting Jews.Even the political leaders of Israel at that time, thanked him publicly.

Pope Pius XII as a Catholic and pontiff believed Jews needed to believe in Jesus and be baptized in the Catholic Church to go to Heaven. So during the confusion in Boston created by the Archbishop, the Jesuits and the Jewish Left media he supported positively the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. (Letter of the Holy Office, Vatican 1949). He taught, what the secular media refers to as the ‘strict interpretation’ of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.

Yet there can be only one interpretation of a Catholic dogma. Pope Pius XII called it the ‘infallible teaching’, ‘the dogma’.

According to our ‘infallible teaching’ the Jews at Auschwitz were oriented to Hell at the time of death. Since they died with Original Sin and mortal sins committed in that state. They did not have the help of the Sacraments. The Sacraments in the Catholic Church are means of salvation for all who use them. Since the Catholic Church, the Bible tells us, is the Mystical Body of Jesus. Jesus, is the only Way, Truth and Life and no one can go to God except through Jesus. The Jews in Auschwitz died in general without the Sacraments given to us by the Jewish Messiah the continuation of the Jewish tradition.

The dogma which Pope Pius XII approved did not say that only informed Jews at Auschwitz were oriented to Hell. It did not say that only Jews who knew about the Catholic Church and were educated were oriented to Hell .It does include those Jews who are informed about the Catholic Church.

The dogma does not say that those in invincible ignorance can be saved at Auschwitz. It leaves this judgment to God.

The dogma does not say that those with a good conscience at Auschwitz are saved .De facto we do not know who has a good conscience. Only Jesus will judge.

The dogma said all Jews with no exception in Auschwitz and elsewhere de facto had to enter the Catholic Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

The Jewish prophet Isaiah described Hell as a place with a devouring fire and asked who could stand such a fire for all time. It’s a place where you cannot sleep, eat or love God. Its incomparably worse than Auschwitz.

The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus is based on Jesus’ repeated teaching in the Bible to all Jews and Gentiles- he cautioned them that they need to convert and enter the new Church (John 3:5) for salvation.

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