Friday, January 15, 2010


A delegation of the Chief Rabbinate in Israel is to visit the Gregorian University, Rome on Jan 18 on the invitation of the Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies which was founded by Cardinal Martini SJ.

The Chief Rabbinate is also associated with Rabbi Segni and the synagogue in Rome. The Rabbinate decides Jewish Law for all rabbinic authorities in Israel and in all spheres of life including the armed forces.The Holy Father visits the synagogue in Rome the coming Sunday.

There is no separation of synagogue and state in Israel unlike the position of the Rabbi Segni, the ADL, Binai Birth and the Jewish Left. Here in Italy they advocate a separation of the State and the Catholic Church.

Their teachings are based on the Talmud which mentions Jesus and Our Lady and is blasphemous.When this was pointed out to Rabbi Segni by a reporter of Il Messaggero,an Italian daily newspaper, the Rabbi responded that the offensive material had been removed. At that time the Rabbi Segni was opposing the Revised Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews.

The Chief Rabbinate advocates the conversion of Catholics to Judaism and opposes  Christians converting.

There is an anti missionary law in Israel which imposes a five year prison term for anyone who attempts to convert a Jew .The Rabbis in Italy however favour the freedom of expression of all even though basic freedoms are denied in Israel for Christians.

The Chief Rabbinate has also according to reports on the Internet sought to remove Christian symbols.

A Jewish Rabbi, Rabbi Shifren has said that the ADL intends to establish a one-World Order according to Communism and this “has done more damage to the Jews and caused more murder and destruction than all of Israel's enemies combined."

Rabbi Segni and the President of ADL, Abraham Foxman once walked out of an inter religious meeting being presided over by Archbishop Jean Marie Lustiger, former Archbishop of Paris. The Archbishop was a convert from Judaism.

The ADL has also placed hate laws in many contraries which opposes Christian freedom of expression.

It is hoped that the Holt Father Pope Benedict XVI will be successful in attempts to convert the Rabbi to the Catholic Faith and so save his soul from eternal death.

Even Jews believe in the existence of Hell with fire and the Rabbi is oriented towards Hell even according to Judaism. The Ten Commandments of Moses opposes murder(abortion) while the Sodom of Gomorroah account shows God's wrath for homosexuality.
According to the teachings of Vatican Council II all Jews need to convert and enter the Catholic Church to avoid Hell (AG 7, LG 14).
Vatican Council II says those who know about Jesus and the Catholic Church and yet do not enter are oriented to Hell. This includes the Rabbi Segni and members of the Chief Rabbinate.

1 comment:

  1. This is not only incredibly biased, but is full of twisted hear-says
