Monday, January 11, 2010


The Vicariate, Rome whose Prefect is Cardinal A.Vaillani has organised a Day of Reflection on Jan 14, 2010 at the St.John Lateran University. The participants are Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, Mons. Marco Gnavi and Rabbi Riccardo Segni.

There are other rabbis in Italy and abroad who as Jews oppose abortion as murder being contrary to the Ten Commandments. Sodomy is considered an evil cited in the Sodom and Gomorrah, the book of Genesis that Jews and Christians have in common.However none of these rabbis were chosen for the day of reflection.

Bishop Paglia is the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Italy (CEI) representative on Ecumenical and Inter Religious Affairs .Mons. Marci Gnavi is the director of the Ecumenical and Inter Religious Affair Department of the Vicariate.

Rabbi Segni was present on Sept.22, 2009 at a meeting with Bishop Paglia and Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Italy (CEI). According to a report in Avvenire, the CEI announced that there was not be no active conversion of Jews and the Revised Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of Jews was not for there conversion. Rabbi Segni welcomed this directive of the CEI and called for respecting the dignity of man.

Rabbi Segni along with pro-homosexuality, abortion Abraham Foxman, of the Jewish Anti Defamation League once walked out of an inter religious meeting because Cardinal Lustiger, former Archbishop in France was presiding. The cardinal was a convert from Judaism. So much for the dignity of man!

Rabbi Segni also visited the Urbaniana Pontifical University in Rome accompanied by Andrea Ricardi the founder of the St.Egidio community. This is the university that specialises in Catholic Mission. Everyone was cautioned.

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