Thursday, February 18, 2010

A beautiful testimony of Catholic Faith!

I live during the winter in a Rome Municipal Centre. It’s for people who have no house and are on the streets.

There are some 200 people living here from different countries.In my large stanza there are some nine of us. I have been very happy here.

Over the last four years or more I have been sleeping outside the main Church door of a Church in the centre of Rome. I have been living a quasi eremitic life. I rarely use the telephone (once a year maybe) and never use the postal system.

Poverty is Sacred. You remain closer to God when you live poverty is my experience.

Last night at about 9 p.m I checked in. I signed the register and noticed the dinner. We normally collect our food after signing in and then go to the dining room. I was tired. I walked past the delicious potato paste, steak …and water bottles.

I went to bed early. It was not a day of abstinence for those under 60 years of age.

Today morning at 6.30 am when I was in line for breakfast I looked in the food box. Sometimes there is left over food of the previous night that we can pick up if we want. Today the left over food box was nearly half full!

So many of the poor residents here chose to abstain!

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