Sunday, February 7, 2010


Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi recently joked about the Catholic dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which was taught to him as a youth by the Salesians. The Italian politician also saw the teaching as something of the past and irrelevant. This also seems his attitude to abortion and divorce.

There are some 1, 30,000 legal abortions done every year in Berlusconi’s Italy. Over 1, 00,000 Italians are killed annually, through abortion, economic priorities s being a reason. Economic prosperity in Italy at the cost of millions of babies.

Prime Minister Berlusconi is not permitted to receive the Eucharist since he is a divorcee. The Bible prohibits divorce and adultery.

If Berlusconi has rightly to stay away from the Eucharist in his Hell-oriented condition, then the same rule should be applied to Bernard Law in Rome. His sacrilege continues at St. Mary Majors.

Berlusconi, seemed to indicate that the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus was 'triumphalism'. Yet this is a teaching of Jesus and is repeated in the Bible (John 3:5, Mark 16:15-16, John 6 etc). We proclaim this truth in all humility because we care for the eternal salvation of all souls. We do not proclaim it with pride or superiority. It is our duty to tell people that truth, especially when asked and not to deny it. If we deny this truth we ad deny Jesus and his teachings.

Triumphalism is a secular –leftist word created to control the Catholic Church, just like the word ‘proselytism’.

Cardinal Bernard Law has denied the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in Boston and has not affirmed it here in Rome. He is privileged. Even though he is in mortal sin of faith, there are no restrictions on him, as is placed on Berlusconi.

When he was the Archbishop of Boston Cardinal Law never affirmed the dogma publicly, he also did not defend a Catholic priest who was maligned by the Jewish Left media.

He has not issued a clarification like the Sri Lankan priest Fr.Tissa Balasuriya OMI. Fr. Balasuriya was excommunicated by Pope John Pauli I for c denying the ex cathedra dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady. He recanted and clarified the issue. Not the American cardinal in Rome.

If the cardinal says those non Catholics who have the baptism of desire, a good conscience or are in invincible ignorance do not have to enter the Catholic Church for salvation-then this is a new doctrine. As Catholics we are not obliged to follow it.

If the cardinal says this new doctrine is from Vatican Council II –there is no such text .It would be an interpretation of a text. An interpretation contrary to the dogma.

If there is no supporting text in Vatican Council II and it  is a new doctrine then it is not applicable for Catholics.

Lumen Gentium 16 refers to de jure salvation and not salvation infact (de facto).If Lumen Gentium 16 refereed to de facto salvation then it would contradict Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II. Ad Gentes 7 says ‘all people’ need Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water for salvation; to go avoid Hell.

In fact, when I meet a non Catholic I cannot judge if he or she has a genuine baptism of desire, or is in invincible ignorance. Only Jesus can judge who has a good conscience. De facto I do not know. Neither does the cardinal.

So with no basis in Vatican Council II how can the cardinal reject the teaching of St. Catherine of Siena, St. Francis of Assisi, St.Maximillian Kolbe…

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus was taught to the saints and to Berlusconi as a youth. It is no more being taught in Italy. Neither at Catholic schools in religion/catechism classes nor in Pontifical seminaries.It is not expressed in homilies at Mass nor during Mass prayer Intentions.It is being sacrilegiously denied by the Archbishop of Boston at St. Mary Majors in Rome.
It is a denial of the Creed (…I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sin…) and so it is a first class heresy in the hierarchy of truths.

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