Monday, February 22, 2010


On Sept.22, 2009 Rabbi Segni called for good relations between Jews n Catholics based on Vatican Council II.

Yet Vatican Council II is the basis for evangelisation according to Archbishop Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Cause of the Saints.

Vatican Council II says all Jews need Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water to go to Heaven (Ad Gents 7, Lumen Gentium 14).

Vatican Council II also clearly indicates that the Rabbi and his educated colleagues in the Rom synagogue are on the way to Hell-since they are aware of the Church and have not entered. (Ad Gentes7).

Vatican Council II says outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation(Ad Gentes 7).The council affirms positively the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

We love all Jews including Zionists, who are opposed by good Jews. We love especially those Jew who live the 10 Commandments an oppose Satanic-evils like homosexuality, euthanasia, pornography, immodesty etc.

The Rabbi Segni has never praised Vatican Council II as interpreted above. Instead on Sept.22 he appealed to Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco to eliminate any signs of anti Semitism, for the Jewish Left. It would be opposed to the Zionist agenda of one worked government with one religion.

So the Empire strikes back!

Catholic priests are being blackmailed.Others are choosing to give up their posts voluntarily.

1. A Secretary at the Pontifical Council for Inter Religious Dialogue, Vatican was dismissed overnight. He is Fr. Felix Muchado from India, who answered two questions. He said in his reply that the Catholic Church teaches that Judaism, Islam etc are not paths to salvation and their members need Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water to go to Heaven an avoid Hell, except for the exceptions, those in invincible ignorance etc. This statement was widely distributed via the internet to Jews, and others, including Rabbi Rosen, who coordinates with the Vatican and the influential Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

2. Father Massimiliano Dei Gaspari F.I was the Recto and Superior of the Church of the Annunziata, Lungotvere, and Rome. He said Lumen Gentium 14 is the ordinary means of salvation and Lumen Gentium 1 the extra ordinary means of salvation. He was removed as Rector. Fr. John, a young new American priest of their community I the new Rector.

3.  There are priests who do not mention the necessity of the Church for salvation but only say belief in Jesus is enough. This is pleasing to the Jewish Left since it means all Jews are saved implicitly through Jesus and the Church and so people do not have to convert for salvation. Mons. Natale Loda is the Rector of the Church San Giuseppe a Capo Le Case, Rome and professor of Oriental Canon Law at the St. John Lateran University, Rome. If he sys ruing his homilies that the Church is necessary for salvation, he could be sued, it is the fear, by the Rabbinical Assembly of Italy whose President is Rabbi Laras. If the John Lateran University did not expel the professor the Rabbinical Assembly could consider the University and the Vicariate of Rome, both on Vatican property, to be violating the anti Semitism laws of Italy which have been placed by the Jewish Left with the cooperation of Italian politicians. It is the New Leftist anti racism laws.

 This is the new fascism(neo fascism) in Italy and it is subtle an pervasive and not mentioned by publications like Avvenire, 30 Giorni, Il Timone, Radici Cristiane.

4. An excellent Catholic magazine on Mission was Christ to the World (Cristo al Mondo).It was edited and distributed in Rome and abroad by the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Their office was in the Propaganda Fide building, at Piazza Spagna. The Vicariate of Rome has closed down the magazine it was confirmed yesterday. One of the articles of Christ to the World was titled; Church has not retracted outside the Church No Salvation’.
Restrictions have also been placed on the writings on salvation by Father Peter Damian Fehlner F.I, the American professor and member of their community.
1. I was not allowed to complete my Jurisdiction Final Exam for a Baccalaureate in Philosophy at the University Pontifical Regina Apostolorum (UPRA), Rome. They said I would not be allowed to sit for the Final Comprehensive Exam. This was told to me by Fr. Michael Ryan L.C, the Dean of Philosophy, UPRA and my Spiritual Director.He had told me many times to stop distributing my pamphlets even outside the University premises.

Then when I was staying at Casa Della Pace, Commune di Roma, Grotto Celoni, Rome I was paying 150 Euros a month for three months as rent while attending classes at the University (UPRA).The Administrator Signora Liliana asked me to get a Letter from Fr. Ryan saying I would be studying there at UPRA. She said she would arrange for my resident permit (sojjiorno).She spoke to Fr. Ryan who seems to have told her I would not be allowed to study there.She asked Fr.Ryan to speak to Don Carlo, he was the Parish Priest of a nearby Church in Grotte Celoni and assisted Case della Pace.Don Carlo told me he ws disappointed talking to Fr.Ryan.He commented on the Legionaries of Christ.
Until today I am not permitted to enter the premises of the University(UPRA) and the nearby Legionares of Christ seminary(PIMME ). There address is P.C.I. Maria Mater Ecclesiae,Via Aurelia, 737 – 00165, Rome, Italy,Tel: (+39) (06) 665.261,e-mail: . I lived and studied at PIMME for a month,with the other seminarians as a seminaran.
2. After a month at PIMME,where I was asked to leave, I was accepted by the Pontifical Beda College, the seminary for late vocations in Rome.This is an English seminary under the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales.I was asked to leave there too and was living at Zagarolo, where my bishop visited me. He asked me to contact the Rector of Beda College.
I met the Rector Mons.Roderick Strange and asked him if I could continue to live at the Beda Seminary, and continue my studies in Philosophy at the Legionaries of Christ University(UPRA).They had this facility for students.My bishop would approve of it and ask Propaganda Fide,Vatican to finance me, as they sponsored me in the past.
Mons.Roderck Strange agreed.However there was a condition. He said I would have to give up my beliefs and teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
I declined.
For the next year I had the opportunity to live and work as volunteer at the Missionaries of Charity Contemplative Centre,Largo Preneste,Rome ( Casa Serena) while I contnued my studies in Philosophy at UPRA.
3. Why could I not be like everybody else Fr. Thomas Williams L.C would ask me. He was the Dean of Theology at UPRA. The same suggestion came from my Spiritual Director Fr. Michael Ryan L.C. I realized before a white statue of Our Lady in the University garden, that it was heresy they were asking of me.
During the last Week of Prayer for Christian Unity I heard Fr.Thomas Williams L.C on Radio Vatican. He still would not say that non Catholics needed to enter the Catholic Church through the Baptism of water and Catholic Faith to go to Heaven and avoid Hell- and this included Protestants.

4.When I stayed at the Missionaries of Charity Contemplative Men’s, Casa Serena, Largo Preneste, Rome Fr. Sebastian Vazhakhala M.C was the Director. I was not welcome there because of my religious beliefs and evangelizing. (The same problem I had at Zagarolo, where the Archbishop in residence was Emmanuel Milingo. There were also two Italian priests living there at that time.) I would not receive the Eucharist at Mass from Fr. Sebastian Vazhakhala and neither from Fr. Subash M.C.

A few years after I left Casa Serena and Fr. Andre Marie M.C was In charge he was phoned and asked if I could stay there for a few weeks during winter. He said yes, I could stay there throughout the winter and asked that I come there and meet him and Fr. Sebastian.

Fr. Sebastian had ‘softened’ a bit and said that now I could come there and attend the prayer services. In the past instructions were given that I was not to enter the Casa Serena premises.

I told Fr. Sebastian that I still had a lot of respect and affection for him but the issue was still the Eucharist. How could I receive the Eucharist from a priest who would not publicly affirm the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?

At that time when I was staying there (for a year) he was trying to be sincere it would seem to me but was confused with the theology and I too was not very clear at that time? I remember him asking me how I would explain Lumen Gentium 16.

Now Fr. Sebastian would say that he had made a lot of sacrifices for Casa Serena and he did not want the place to suffer. He meant that if I was allowed to stay there could be a risk for them.

He asked me if would continue in this way knowing that I would be ‘opposed by everyone’. I said yes, this would be my cross.” How will it end?” In my crucifixion, I suppose.

5.When I was at the Legionaries of Christ seminary (PIMME) Fr.Andraz Martinez L.C was my Spiritual Director. He was still a friend when I was studying Philosophy at UPRA and was not more at PIMME. One day I met him outside the University (UPRA). He said the Rector of the seminary, PIMME, Fr. Duennas, had sent him to contact my Spiritual Director and mu bishop. He said if I did not stop distributing my leaflets they (Fr. Duennas, Ryan, and Martinez) would ask that my scholarship be stopped and my stay be ended at UPRA. This is how it finally ended.
 I once asked Mons. Ignacio Barreiro to speak to them at UPRA. Since he has a bio ethics project ther and knew them.I reminded him that in a University you are free tohold different opinions and beliefes and there was even a Muslim studying there.I should be free tohold my Catholic traditional beliefes  and express them in writing at least outside the University.Mons Barreiro agreed with me.he said he has spoken to them but they were not listening.
The Legionaries of Christ priests I mention here are good people,I still see them as friends.
They were under a lot of pressure. Telephone calls were being made to them protesting my views.There could have been legal threats too.In the sense: why are you allowing this person to study at your University who distributes tracts with a quotation from Dominus Iesus and the CDF Notification on Fr.Dupuis S.J ?
 He says the Catholic Church teaches that Islam and Judaism are not paths to salvation and their members need Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water to avoid Hell.This is 'hate', anti-Semitism(racism).
Since the Legionaries of Christ priests themselves did not have a strong Faith, and believed "like everybody else", they gave in to the pressure.

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