Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Cardinal Bernard Francis Law, Archpriest, St. Mary Majors, Rome yesterday evening, 1800 hours, presided at Holy Mass. The relic of St. Bernadette Soubirous was brought in procession by the faithful. It is to be exposed and venerated for two days, Feb.9-10, 2010.

According to priests at the basilica, the Mass being offered by His Eminence Cardinal Law is a sacrilege since the American cardinal has not affirmed 1) an ex cathedra dogma 2) or Vatican Council II in accord with the dogma. Even after being informed in charity he has not issued a clarification now over a week.
This problem existed also when he was the Archbishop of Boston.

Fr. Silvistrini Emilio and Fr. Magyar Cesky O.P, priests at the basilica, have said that a Catholic who denies an ex cathedra dogma commits a sacrilege. This applies to all Catholics.

It may be mentioned that there is no text in Vatican Council II which contradicts the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Vatican Council II is interpreted as being in accord with the dogma; an infallible teaching.

However the Jewish Christian Centre for Learning, Boston College claimed that the Catholic Church rejected the ‘rigorist interpretation’ of this ex cathedra teaching. This claim was repeated often by the Jewish Left media in Boston. There was no correction by Cardinal Bernard Law.

It was claimed that Vatican Council II states those non Catholics who are in invincible ignorance or have the baptism of desire or a good conscience do not de facto have to enter the Catholic Church for salvation; to avoid Hell.Yet nowhere in Vatican Council II is this claim made.There is no text to corroborate this new doctrine. Instead we have interpretations of Vatican Council II, which affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

It was also indicated falsely that we could judge who specifically has a genuine baptism of desire, is in invincible ignorance or, will be judged by Jesus as having a good conscience.There was no clarification by Archbishop Bernard Law.

According to Canon Law a cardinal in public mortal sin is to not celebrate Holy Mass without first going for Confession and removing the scandal. The cardinal’s secretary Mons. Paul has been sent posts from this blog. These posts have also been sent to the cardinal via the religious community working at the basilica. Personal enquiries  were made at the sacristy . It was indicated that there was not b no response from the cardinal's office at the basilica in the centre of Rome.

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