Monday, February 1, 2010


What a pathetic talk Andrea Riccardi gave on Saturday night at the Basilica near Termini, Rome. He was listened to by admiring members of the San Egidio community.

He spoke about a cold and long night at that basilica when Jews took shelter there. Andrea Riccardi does not realize that he and his Jewish Left friends could be responsible for future pogroms and persecution of Jews.

He praised the community of Don Bosco at this basilica near the train station. They compassionately helped people of another religion, just as Jesus has asked of us.

What was beyond Riccardi was that all this happened in 1943 when the Salesians, like Don Bosco, believed outside the Church there was no salvation and de facto everyone, all those Jews there, needed to enter the Church to avoid Hell. Without denying the Catholic Faith they helped the Jews.

But not Andrea Riccardi. Only by denying an ex cathedra dogma and interpreting Vatican Council II as a break from Tradition –can he claim to be helping the Jews.

He probably also received the Eucharist at Mass, sacriligiously, before he began his talk.

St. Paul cautions us not to receive the Eucharist sacrilegiously or it will bring us condemnation.

Riccardi quoted someone saying that we are all children of God.We are children of God but the Gospel of John warns us that we can lose our inheritance. The Jews saved by the Salesians had Hell waiting for them at the time of death.

San Egidio founded by Riccardi claims that it’s inter religious dialogue and ecumenism is for peace. It’s an evil peace that does not proclaim the faith and which misleads others.

This is what the bankrupt in faith Andrea Riccardi was doing on Saturday night at the Basilica de Sacro Cuore, Castro Pretorio, Rome.

Riccardi and members of San Egidio speak much about the poor but do not live like them or with them. They claim they are Catholics but want to change Church teachings. This would be convenient for them. The church has to adapt to their secular professions and careers and the country’s leftist forces. They believe the teachings of the Church are relative and so just anyone can go up and receive the Eucharist.

San Egidio is known to take up only leftist human rights issues since they only get paid in that area.

There is an educated man who is doing six years in prison because his research shows him that six million people did not die in concentration camps. The Church is silent about his case. So is San Egidio.

There are many people in prison because of their conscience on the issue of the Holocaust. They have been put in prison because of laws created by the Jewish Anti Defamation League (ADL) and the Jewish Left allies of Andrea Riccardi.

Does this create goodwill for the Jews today or in the future?

Is this not a major cause of anti-Semitism by Riccardi and friends?

Riccardi’s ‘uncle’ in the Chief Rabbinate in Israel threatened the Vatican with war according to the Jewish Left newspapers. So they forced Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone to change the Catholic interpretation of the Bible with reference to the Jews. This gun point dialogue continues with new demands..

Does this not create resentment among Christians? Then the pro-Zionist newspapers pretend to wonder why Jews are persecuted.

Andrea Riccardi’s financiers and friends are pro-abotion, homosexuality, euthanasia, syncretism and other values’ of Satan. Satan would want innocent Jews to be persecuted.

Future persecution could be the result of the work of Riccardi and his Jewish Left allies.

And on Saturday night he spoke about charity and compassion and said charity must be directed by prayer and spirituality.

It’s not charity to deny the purpose of the Resurrection.

Jesus died and rose again so that all Jews and everyone else who believes in Him with Catholic Faith may not go to Hell. Millions of Jews are going to Hell because Riccardi is silent. Instead, he opposes the Church’s teachings on salvation and mission and is encouraging others do the same .This is sweet music for the San Egidio members who have a life style that is not poor and they would like to maintain it.

He says the problem today is that the Church has no pastor!
The problem today is that there are disobedient wolves like him!
In the name of peace they accept funds from those who are the enemies of the Church and promote the values of Satan.

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