Sunday, February 28, 2010


Today at 7 am in the morning two elderly men at Termini, probably Italians were handing out the Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) Magazine. Where were the Catholic evangelists?

All over Rome today the JW’s will fan out in groups of two or more talking about their faith. Most of them are probably ex Catholics who were once approached by a JW.

They apostatized and converted to the JW religion. Now they come to convert Catholics with a set of list of questions and answers they have prepared. They are also taught not to accept any Catholic literature.

They have a fixed list of questions which have been made public and answered by Catholic apologists. This list of questions and answers need to be made available on the websites of Catholic dioceses and parishes. In Rome.

For instance they will ask you where in the Bible is the word Trinity? Then you have to say it mentioned in different places. There is the reference to Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Why is there no Catholic missionary on the streets of Rome I ask myself?

Since, the Enemy has created a big confusion within the Catholic Church and the issue is: outside the Church there is no salvation.

When I meet The JW’s I immediately tell them I believe in the Church teaching outside the Church there is no salvation. And so you JW are outside. I refuse to accept their magazine.

If they ask  why? All you have to do is believe in Jesus according to the Bible?I tell them you yourself know that it is not true- so you insist people must enter your JW community. If all you have to do is believe in Jesus why did you leave the Catholic Church?

The Bible says the Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus.Jesus asked St.Paul,"Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?” Saul was persecuting the Church. So Jesus identified with his Church.He called the Church, “my church” and told St. Peter it will be there for all time.This should be enough to bring Catholic missionaries on the streets-but they are not trained like the JWs. The JWs knowledge of the Bible before and after their conversion from the Catholic Faith I do not think is much. They have just learnt a simple set of questions and their answers.

I often ask them where in the writings of Church Fathers is it said that St. Michael the Archangel and Jesus are one? So why do I have to accept this new teaching of the founder of their religion?

The biggest advantages for the JW’s are Catholic priests and bishops divided on the Catholic Faith.

Cardinal Bernard Law celebrates Holy Mass at St. Mary Majors, Rome and will not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The Italian Secretary of State of the Vatican Cardinal Bertone has written that Jews do not have to convert in the present time. This is again a reject of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II.

The Italian Episcopal Conference department for Ecumenism suggests that Catholics and Protestants could evangelize together in the name of Jesus. The Vicariate of Rome Ecumenical department could suggest the same. They could very well assign Catholics to join the JW’s at Termini on Sunday mornings and distribute the JW magazine Sevegliatevi. The JW magazines usually have an article on Jesus and one on the Old Testament.

If Catholics and other Christians can evangelize together it would mean the ex cathedra teaching on the need of the Church is irrelevant. It also means Christians who affirm divorce, abortion and contraception are not in mortal sin and going to Hell. They are not going to Hell because of the lack of Catholic Faith and because they are in mortal sin. So indirectly we have given up the Catholic Faith. This is a new idol of Jesus and the Church. A false idol that are being called to worship.

We need Catholics evangelizers ready to get across five points the JW s and others.

1. Every JW needs to enter the Catholic Church to avoid Hell( extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Ad Gentes 7, Dominus Iesus 20)

2. There are no exceptions to conversion into the Catholic Church.

3. There are mortal sins of faith and morals.

4. Belief in Jesus must include entry into the Catholic Church.

5. The Catholic Church is the only Church Jesus founded.

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