Friday, February 26, 2010


It was the first time ever that I walked into the new office of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Inter Religious Dialogue (PCID) on the Via Cancelleria in front of St. Peter’s Basilica. I would meet an Indian priest and ask him two questions. It would result in his losing his job and immediately being sent home to India.

The Vatican assuaged him by making him an Archbishop in the former Archdiocese of Cardinal Ivan Dias, the present, Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples. The Indian priest was the Undersecretary of Cardinal Jean Marie Tauran, Prefect, PCID, who had asked him to leave immediately.

In 1215 Pope Innocent III,in the  Fourth Lateran Council proclaimed ex cathedra that all Jews, and others, need to convert for salvation. Today the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone says Jews do not have to convert in the present times and that the Good Friday Prayer for their Conversion is not for their conversion .If any priest does say otherwise  he will be dismissed-with no guarantees of being made a bishop.Fr. Felix Muchado from India answered two questions. He said that the Catholic Church teaches that Judaism, Islam etc are not paths to salvation and their members need Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water to go to Heaven an avoid Hell, except for the exceptions, those in invincible ignorance etc. This statement was widely distributed via the internet to Jews, and others, including Rabbi Rosen, who coordinates with the Vatican and the influential Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

After I circulated the report via the Internet the next day I went to the PCID office. Corrado, the receptionist said with a sardonic laugh that Fr. Muchado was no longer there. He had gone to India. When the Italian Lady Secretary of Cardinal Tauran saw me, it was at first as if she saw something terrible. She was so full of emotion and movement. She showed me to the escalator personally, with an air of we-have-to-get-rid- of –this –trouble. She asked me not to come to the office again without phoning. It was she who called Fr.Muchado to meet me the last time I was there.She had asked my to sit in the lounge and then came to remind me that he would be coming to meet me.I was standing in the lounge, she asked me to sit down and wait since it could take sometime since Fr.Muchado was busy.Cardinal Tauran was not in Rome at that time. She asked if I was a priest I said no but I write on the subject of inter religious- dialogue and so I was interested in meeting  the cardinal.I wrote down the questions I wanted to ask and gave it to her.
Now instructions would be given to Corrado to not allow me to enter the premises.

In 1302 Pope Boniface VIII, in the Bull Unam Sanctam proclaimed ex cathedra that every non Catholic needed to convert into the Church yet a Catholic priest with the same message working for the Vatican was being penalised.Fr. Muchado may have not been strictly affirming the Bull Unam Sanctam .I do not know. He said those who are in invincible ignorance etc of course do not have to enter the Church and we can depend on the mercy of God.Here we come to the crucial interpretation of Vatican Council II. If Fr. Muchado was saying that Vatican Council II says de facto a person in invincible ignorance, a good conscience or the baptism of desire is saved and specifically known to us and so does not have convert then he contradicts the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.If he meant Vatican Council II says de jure as a  concept, ‘in certain circumstances’(Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston relative to Fr.Leonard Feeney) and unknown to us, who cannot judge a person in invincible ignorance, can be saved, then he is  affirming the ex cathedra dogma and Vatican Council II.Vatican Council II would not be a break from Sacred Tradition.

This is a subject which is not a priority with Fr. Muchado’s former employer Cardinal Tauran. The cardinal visited Boston College last year and never took up the case of Bro. Francis Maluf. Bro. Francis was one of the Catholic professors dismissed by Boston College for his Catholic religious beliefs.He was dismissed by the Jesuit Rector of Boston College on the issue of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Last September Bro. Francis Maluf, the Superior of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Richmond, New Hampshire, USA, expired. Cardinal Tauran  remained politically and prudently silent.

Bro. Francis had to face the public apostasy of an Archbishop of Boston and the Jesuits who never finally affirmed the dogma inspite of all their charges against Fr.Leonard Feeney and Bro.Francis Malus MICM.Today in Rome, the Jesuit Rector of  their Seminary at the Chiesa del Gesu will not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.It's all on Youtube.
Bro.Francis had to withstand a hostile Jewish Left media in Boston which still continues the hate campaign which frightens many cardinals. He stood defiantly in support of the Catholic Faith even when it cost him his job in a University which claims  to be an equal opportunity employer which does  not discriminate on the basis of religion.

Unlike Bro. Francis, today the Vatican Secretary of State, the President of the Italian Bishops Conference, the Prefect for the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity and relations with the Jews  openly reject the dogma, when they say Jews do not have to convert in the present times.

They also avoid saying that Vatican Council II says ‘all people’ with no exception need to convert and enter the Catholic Church to avoid Hell (Ad Gentes 7). They avoid saying that Ad Gentes 7 indicates billions of non Catholics in modern times in the developed world, who are aware of the Catholic Church and yet do not enter are all on the way to Hell.This includes those participating in inter relligious dialogue and ecumenism.

Vatican Council II is in accord with the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
I hope the Office of the Archbishop of Vasai, India has not clouded the integrity and courage of Felix Anthony Muchado.

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