Thursday, March 25, 2010


Bagnasco, Bertone like mother who aborts child due to pressure

The Prefect of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI) Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco a few days back called for an opposition to abortion. His statement was on the front page of local newspapers and reported in the context of the elections next week in the province of Lazio, in which Rome is situated. One of the two pro abortion candidates responded to the cardinal’s statement as: ‘just words’.
Just words?
Last Sept.22 Cardinal Bagnasco issued a directive by CEI stating that the Revised Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews was not for their conversion and that Jews do not have to convert in the present times. This is a negation of the Bible and a rejection of the ex cathedra infallible dogma outside the Church there is no salvation (extra ecclesiam nulla salus). The dogma is supported by the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican Council II.
Cardinal Bagnasco, like Cardinal Bertone the Vatican Secretary of State, seemed like a pregnant mother who chooses an abortion due to social or economic pressure.
Cardinal Bagnasco and Cardinal Bertone were under pressure from the Jewish Left lobby in Italy backed by the political and military strength of Israel (and the USA). This is harassment based on religion and contrary to Nostra Aetate, Vatican Council II which is made much of by the Jewish Left media. It is also creating confusion for Catholics this Good Friday.
Bagnasco’s message was that we Catholics do not have to live the ex cathedra dogma that everyone with no exception needs to enter the Catholic Church to avoid Hell  and there is no baptism of desire or invincible ignorance that we can know of.

In Bagnasco statement last Sept.22 we are told that the Catholic Church’s infallible teaching no more holds. So this is not the one, true Church of God. So everyone does not have to follow the teachings of the Catholic Church, necessarily, including that on abortion.
This is a contribution to the ‘culture of death’.
Even at another level in Rome, Mons. Ignacio Barreiro, Director of the Human Life International(HLI) Office, Rome will not support the ex cathedra dogma. May be he sees the connection between this infallible teaching and abortion but is afraid to speak about it in public otherwise- he could lose all his privileges and his lifestyle permitted temporarily by the pro-heresy Vicariate in Rome,' feathering their own nest'.
He celebrates the Tridentine Rite Mass in Rome on Sundays!
So if Bagnasco, Bertone and Barreiro can make personal exceptions regarding an infallible teaching then why expect something different from the candidates Polverini-Bonino and the Catholics who need to abort. The cardinals have never ever said that they are all-including themselves- in mortal sin and so would be on their way to Hell.



HLI Rome Office
Direttore:Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro-Carámbula
Telefono:+39 06 39 37 89 85
Fax:+39 06 39 63 71 28
Indirizzo:Piazzale Gregorio VII,
n. 22, int. 2
00165 Roma

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