Saturday, March 13, 2010


To the Jews,

My dear Jewish brothers and sisters, our elder brother, people of the Old Testament, former People of God who were unfaithful and broke the many covenants God made with your ancestors and ours, believers in Yahweh, your God and ours – we love you!

This Good Friday we remember you, especially those members of the Jewish Left using the political and military power of Israel to pressure Catholic cardinals to change Church teaching.

It was on Good Friday that Jesus the Son of God, the Promised Messiah of the Jews, was a Final and Supreme Sacrifice, the Ultimate Passover, so that all Jews may avoid Hell and the realm of Satan.

This Good Friday we invite you to gain from His Sacrificial Death and enter the only Church he founded, the Catholic Church. With the Baptism of water and Catholic Faith, all sins on your soul will be neutralized through Jesus’ Great Sacrifice for you. If you die in this pure state no more can the demons ask for God’s justice and the claim of your soul.

This information is sent to you by Catholics who love you.

Today, Good Friday at Catholic Churches all over the world, with different Rites, we the new People of God, people of the New Covenant made with the Blood of Jesus, will remember you and pray for your conversion into the one, true, faith outside of which there is no salvation.

Lionel Andrades, Rome

We Catholics who attend in different Rites, Holy Mass, the renactment of Jesus' Supreme Sacrifice on the Cross believe:

1. Every person has to be a member of the Catholic Church though Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water for salvation and there are no exceptions (baptism of desire etc) that we can know of.

2. Implicit Faith (invincible ignorance etc) is not the ordinary means of salvation, which is, the baptism of water and Catholic Faith. So implicit faith is rare, a probability in certain circumstances and unknown to us. Only God can judge.

3. To reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus or to change it, is a mortal sin. A person in this condition is not to receive the Eucharist otherwise it is a sacrilege.

4. That everyone with no exception has to enter the visible Church for salvation has been the teaching of the Catholic Church for centuries. It is still the official teaching of the Catholic Church, expressed in Magisteriam documents, including Vatican Council II.

5. Fr. Leonard Feeney was not excommunicated for heresy but for discipline.


Catholics are welcome to copy the above message and distribute it to their Jewish friends this Holy Week. Please feel free to edit it and make changes in it.

You could send it as a group or association with the name of your group and the names of the members of the group. You could send it to the media. It would be useful in correcting misinformation. You could get Legal Help and send it to EWTN.
You could send it to your Catholic friends for further distribution.

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