Monday, March 22, 2010


On bus 105 at Termini at 6p.m yesterday  Sunday I chose the last seat in the corner at the end of the bus. On the seat at the side someone had left an attractive coloured four page pamphlet.

The leaflet said in English, JESUS GVE HIS LIFE FOR MANY

Why did  he need to do that? What do you do to benefit from it?

We invite you to find out on Tuesday March 30, 2010

Copyright 2010 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.

This special event will be held at the time and place shown below.

Hotel Ibis/Tor Bella Monaca via Vico Vigano 24, (angolo Viale Cammellotti)

Hours: 08.00 p.m.

The Jehovah’s Witnesses' (JW) system is successful since they have got Catholics (ex) to evangelize on the streets, unlike when they were Catholic .Many or most of their evangelizers are ex Catholics.

The converts are now told that the JW religion is the only way to get to Heaven something they probably would not say for  the Catholic Church, when they were Catholics.

They now believe that Jesus is not the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity and also that He and St. Michael the Archangel are one and the same person. This is not said in the coloured leaflet.
There is a picture of Jesus on the back page. Their emphasis on Jesus is probably because they are targeting Catholics.

I like to meet them. The first thing I say when I meet them is I believe outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation everyone needs to enter the Catholic Church to avoid Hell and that they are outside.

It is probably the first time they have heard it from a Catholic in Rome.

They pull out their Bible after I have refused to take their literature.

I think of the students and faculty at the Dominican St.Thomas Aquinas University (Angelicum), Rome. Their message is just belief in Jesus is enough to go to Heaven membership in the Catholic Church is not necessary for salvation.With such heretical beliefs they go before the Blessed Sacrament kept in Perpetual Adoration during the day at the University chapel.

On Sunday mornings the JWS would welcome them at Termini to distribute their literature, in an ecumenical exercise.

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