Monday, April 19, 2010

Fondamenti della Fede Cattolica is first class heresy

Fondamenti della Fede Cattolica (Fundamentals of the Catholic Faith) states many who do not have their names on the Parish register can also be saved. He is referring to millions of non Catholics.

Fondamenti della Fede Cattolica is available at the outlets of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate the community in Rome founded by Fr. Stefano Manelli F.I.When it suggests(p.225) that millions of non Catholics  can be saved who do not have their names on the parish register it is first class heresy.The book in Italian is published by the CASA MARIANA 83040 Frigento(AV),Italy. It is a transalation of the book by Padre Guglielmo Most,(Fr.William Most) and translated into Italian by  Attilio Tempra SSP (Casa Mariana,Maria SS.Del Buon Consiglio,83040 Frigenteo (AV),1991). It has ecclesiastical approval.

It is contradicting the Creed (I believe in One Baptism for the removal of sin -Original. It contradicts the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, outside the Church there is no salvation. Everyone with no exception needs to enter the Church to go to Heaven. It contradicts Vatican Council II that Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water is needed for all to be saved from Hell (Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14).It contradicts the Catechism of the Catholic Church that the ordinary general way to Heaven for all is the Baptism of water(given to adults with Catholic Faith) CCC1257.

It contradicts Pope Pius XII ’s Letter to the Holy Office 1949 which says ‘in certain circumstances’ i.e. not in general but rarely, a person with implicit faith ( baptism of desire, invincible ignorance etc) can be saved an this would be known only to God. It would be an exception.

It is contrary to reason: how can I assume that the hundreds of non Catholics I see daily or the any I meet ha e a baptism foe sire or are in genuine invincible ignorance o have a conscience Jesus will consider good on the Day of Judgment?

It is also saying that the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus has been contradicted by Vatican Council II.How can Vatican Council II contradict an infallible teaching?
It would mean that we are interpreting Vatican Council II wrong.

Page 225 says:
How can we reconcil these two contradicting teachings that
1.One must be a member of the Catholic Church to be saved and
2.Many who do not have their names in the Parish register are equally saved?
Now we shall se that there are no contradictions and we can accept both the teachings.

He quotes Vatican Council II, Lumen Gentium 49.

Now we can resolve another objection, the writer says. Some say that before Christ there was a provision for people who did not know Christ's Revelation to the Jews.
After Christ, those who have not had their names registered in a parish, how could  they go to Heaven, even if they have never had the opportunity to know the Church? This is a monstrous error,really it is more repulsive then all the heresies, because God , who is Love, it shows condemns millions of human bings without any fault of theirs. On the contrary, St.Paul, in five different ways in the Letter to the Romans 5, 15-21 repeats that Redemption is more abuandant than sin...

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