Thursday, April 1, 2010


The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI has called for not obeying un just laws like those which allow innocent infants to be killed through abortion. The President of the Catholic Conference of Bishops in Italy has also called for laws that prevent abortion.

I think an important vehicle to get the message of what abortion really is are pictures available on the websites of Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform and the Priests for Life.

Those pictures need to be placed on trucks which pass through the streets of Rome and other cities of Italy. Also Catholic organisations could have conferences on this subject using those pictures.

This is an important medium that could be used in Italy.
For some three months I walked with a mostra (exhibition) the size of a carton. I placed it on my shoulder and would walk to the libraries and church with a string holding the carton on my shoulder.
 I would walk normally and not try to get peoples attention.
The mostra had pictures of abortion from the website of the Center for Bio Ethical Reform and Priests for Life.I could see the reaction of people who would watch the pictures when I was at a street crossing or passed them by.They had not known this was abortion.
The lefttist media hides it from them. There are over 100,000 Italians killed every year through abortion and there is no report about it.

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