Thursday, April 8, 2010


I received another e-mail with reference to the post on Cardinal Bernard Law and it seems the lady  thinks that the Catholic Church has retracted the ex cathedra dogma  extra ecclesiam nulla salus (oustide the Church there is no salvation).
She writes:
This is not correct information. Actually, it's correct but it's only part of what the church teaches...
1. The Catholic church recognizes Baptism from other churches like Lutheran, which consider it a Sacrament - that is, if you are a Lutheran coming into the church they DO NOT re-baptize you.
Lionel: The Baptism is valid if you die immediately or are a pagan-convert.However a Lutheran needs to follow the Gospel within the Catholic Church to be saved. The Church teaches that if one dies with one mortal sin the person is oriented to Hell even if he believes in Jesus and is baptized.

Also the Jewish Covenent is still good - Jesus said He came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it!
Lionel: Yes in the context of morals.
The Jewish Messiah made a New Covenant with his Sacrificial Blood. The Covenants of Abraham and Moses are appreciated but are not salvific.

2. The Catholic church teaches "Salvific Universal" that is:
A. Baptism by water (traditional Baptism)
B. Baptism by blood (if you get martyred for the church even if you are unsaved, that action saves you)
C. Baptism by desire (if you do not have the opportunity to become a Catholic or even a Christian but you try to find the truth in the best way you know how, you can be saved... you are saved through Jesus Christ and the Catholic church whether you know it or not).
Lionel. Correct in exceptional cases, known only to God.In general the ordinary way of salvation is Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water.

‘(this is) …incorrect information - that especially annoys me. You ought to know better... the information I have given is easily obtained in something so simple as the Baltimore Catechism but it's also in the Catholic Catechism as well.

Lionel: The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches outside the Church there is no salvation.
Also the Church has not retracted the ex cathedra, infallible dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Cardinal Law is not incorrect but in the context he is being quoted, it appears that he is teaching incorrect doctrine - as Fr Corapi says "you can prove anything you want by quoting out of context".

Lionel: It is not the doctrine that you will read in the New York Times.It is not one of the secular newspapers interpretation and propaganda on Vatican Council II we are all so familiar with.


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