Sunday, May 30, 2010


Today at Holy Mass in the Tridentine Rite, Byzantine Rite and Novus Ordo Italian Mass the Gospel Reading said: Go out and teach the whole world what I (Jesus) have taught you and baptize them (into the only and one Church which he founded9 and he will be with this Church (and Catholics) for all time.

Today morning my fourth Mass on this Trinity Sunday was in Latin.

The Gospel Reading for me was on Catholic Mission. Last Sunday too was a feast day of Mission, Pentecost, and next Sunday is Corpus Domini, the fest of the Eucharist the Heart of Mission and evangelization. There are Catholics who carry Adoration Lists with them inviting their friends and these whom they meet for Eucharist Adoration. This is Eucharistic Evangelization.

In the homily yesterday evening the African priest recalled the natural cooking fires, over three pieces of wood, which become one flame. He observed how water could be seen in some places as liquid, vapor and ice but still the same water.

Today morning a priest recalled the experience of St.Augustine at the seaside and the vision of a child. There was the example of St. Patrick in Ireland, pointing to the three leaves (petals) of the Shamrock flower on one stem. St. Teresa of Avila’s first experience and vision of the Trinity in the Essence of God, was mentioned and of course, the other Carmelite was remembered, St. Elizabeth of the Trinity.

In the Eucharist, at Holy Mass we have the Mystery of the Trinity, the Creator, with us every day.

One of the homilies expressed well the importance of Baptism to enter into the New Alliance, the New Covenant which God made through His Son Jesus Christ. Jews need to be baptized to enter the New Covenant said the priest.

I recently read that the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) Mass is valid but their priests and bishops are in an irregular situation-but, so are cardinals Bertone, Bagnasco, Kaspar, Martini, Tettamanzi(Milan), they are automatically excommunicated. Since they say that Jews do not have to convert in the present times, this is contrary to today’s Gospel. It is contrary to the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

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