Tuesday, May 4, 2010


To Inside Catholic.com
Dear Mark,

Praised be Jesus and Our Lady

Teaching Mark Shea about the Catholic Faith he publicly rejects and correcting him in his errors on extra ecclesiam nulla salus is a Spiritual Act of Mercy.

This is what Rasha was doing. She was writing on the Catholic Faith and was doing it without earning money or making a living like you (Mark) do.

You’ve rejected Fr. Leonard Feeney’s affirmation of the dogma and she quoted you the ex cathedra teaching of Pope Eugene. You reject them both calling it hoping-for-the-damnation-of-as-many-as-possible way. Then you call her obsessive.

I posted the following report which you allowed on the blog for sometime and then decided to close down communication on this subject.


You say the subject is  EENS. Oh no! The subject is Vatican Council II which you have been distorting all this time.

1. You interpret Lumen Gentium 16 (invincible ignorance etc) according to Fr. Hans Kung. I understand it must be difficult for a Catholic apologist who makes a living for his family based on his writing on the Catholic Faith.

2. You reject Ad Gentes saying that all Jews and Muslims in Rome are on the way to Hell. Since even with your non traditional interpretation of Lumen Gentium 16 there is no way out of this one!

3. I sent a post it said that there is no de facto baptism of desire that we can know of. You held it back. It’s contrary to your assertion that we can judge de facto cases of baptism of desire. This is a first class heresy which you have been repeating in the two articles you have written on this subject one for Inside Catholic.com( reviewed by Bill Strom on Catholic Vox) and the other for a sister publication associated with this website.

Its heresy the Franciscan priest says (in the post you rejected) since Vatican Council II was not the first time when invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire were mentioned. The three popes and Councils who gave us the ex cathedra, infallible teaching were aware of the exceptions (implicit faith).They did not interpret them as referring to de facto salvation. So who gives you and Fr. Hans Kung the right to break from this tradition and contradict an ex cathedra teaching?

In ‘certain circumstances’ says the Letter of the Holy Office (1949) a person can have implicit faith and be saved- but this would only be known to God. You and I cannot judge such cases. So how you refer to implicit faith as de facto rejecting the dogma.

4. Then you keeping writing that you accept the ex cathedra dogma. The meaning has been changed its meaning and you accept whatever you mean. For centuries the Church taught that everyone needs to enter the Catholic Church through the baptism of water and Catholic Faith to avoid Hell. You criticize Rasha for reminding you about it.

This is Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) and the Catechism 0f the Catholic Faith (836).’All’ need to enter the Church for salvation (to avoid Hell).

It’s time for you to stick to your Rule 4 and 6 of the forum - and also that of the teaching of the Catholic Church on Vatican Council II and outside the Church there is no salvation. Your report above Introduction to the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy is positively Protestant. You then bring in the Catholic element of Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.

Your separation of Jesus from the Church should be pleasing to your Jewish friends. Since it would mean that they are saved implicitly by Jesus in Judaism and so do not have to convert. You interpret implicit faith anyway as saving the majority of non-Catholics.

This distortion will not be a threat to your income with charges of anti-Semitism. Your job is assured at the cost of changing the faith. Please do not distort the Catholic Faith to please influential American non Catholics.

Please Mark, don’t re cycle some of that old stuff, which you do, before someone is tempted to take you to court for mocking, distorting and spreading misinformation about the Catholic faith.

I write this aware it is a Spiritual Act of Mercy to admonish the sinner and to instruct the ignorant.


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