Saturday, June 19, 2010


Try and picture Catholics with posters outside  the Basilica of St.Peter calling attention to the Boston Case.
They would appeal to the Vatican to reopen the Boston Case since the issue is :Was Fr.Leonard Feeney really in heresy and if he was not then was the Archbishop of Boston Richard Cushing in heresy?

2. Secondly the Cushing Doctrine that the baptism of desire is explicit is only some 60 plus years old. It is not part of the deposit of the faith. The Church has always taught for centuries that everyone must be an explicit  member of the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.The secular media still promotes implicit baptism of water as explicit and so contrary to the infallible teaching.

3.Lumen Gentium 16, Vatican Council II refers to implicit faith and not explicit faith and so does not contradict the ex cathedra teaching.
These are some issues that need to be reviewed.
The above picture is not of an appeal outside St.Peters Basilica. Their message has been deleted and an EENs  message added. However this could be the direction EENers may go in the future.

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