Sunday, June 13, 2010


Mariologist Mons. Arthur B. Calkins at his office in the Vatican has an unusual picture of St. Maximillian Kolbe. The American at Ecclesia Dei, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican is often invited to Catholic universities here as a Marian Consultant, an authority. He has done reviews on a proposed Marian Dogma of Our Lady as Co Redemptrix. He has reviewed a book critical of Medugorje and introduced a book which I read, and re read with pleasure, on Don Scotus. He has written academic papers on Marian subjects and off hand I can recall a wonderful piece on the conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne at the Church of San Andrea della Fratte, Rome.

However he departs from St. Maximillian Kolbe when he will not in private or public affirm the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He told me his information on this subject was not enough and that he was not a specialist on St. Thomas Aquinas.

What about Fatima?

Did Our Lady mean that the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus will be lost in Europe, the USA but not in Portugal?

Catholic author Michael Brown refers to ‘the dogmas of the faith’. The dogma of the faith if it was extra ecclesiam nulla salus would be very difficult for Brown who has a pro Medugorje website Spirit Daily.

It is not clear for me because of the translations: did Our Lady say ‘the dogmas of the faith’ will be lost or just ‘the dogma of the faith’?

Singular or plural the dogma of the faith is lost at the Ecclesia Dei office.

The mariologist could tell us if the Wikipedia entry on extra ecclesiam nulla salus is wrong and that the dogma really says everyone with no exception needs to be a visible member of the Catholic Church.

Medugorje pilgrim and journalist Antonio Socci says there is a cover up on one of the secrets of Fatima. Is there a cover-up on the real meaning of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?

To reject an infallible teaching or to distort its meaning is ‘grave material’. How can a priest offer the Tridentine Rite Mass in Rome (Calkins, Barreiro, Kramer…) who will not in public affirm the dogma? Is this what Our Lady meant at Akita, Japan when she said that many priests and religious will accept compromise as Satan enters the Church? Could you do a review on this subject and post it on the Internet?

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