Wednesday, June 2, 2010


When the next round of Christian-Muslim dialogue takes place with the participation of Jesuit Christian Troll, there could be Catholics outside the venue praying. They could also hold banners which say ‘There can be no Nostra Aetate without Ad Gentes 7’ and ‘Vatican Council II says all Muslims need Catholic Faith and the Baptism of Water to avoid Hell –AG 7’ or ‘The Catechism (n.836) says ALL Muslims need to enter the Church to be saved (avoid Hell)’, ‘an ex cathedra dogma states ALL MUSLIMS are oriented to Hell’ and Troll denies Vatican Council II and the infallible teaching(EENS) he does not represent us Catholics’.

This could be telling Muslims and Catholics the truth about our Faith which Troll does not do in his interviews with the Muslim media or in his book Muslims ask, Christians Answer, which is made available in the Catholic Westminster Archdiocese.Westminister,London is  another potential site for prayers and banners during the inter faith meetings there. The banners there could also say ‘Vatican Council II indicates that all Muslims in London who are educated an informed about the Church are oriented to Hell- Ad Gentes 7’

Christian Troll represented the Catholic Church at the last inter faith meeting in Rome with Muslims. The Jesuit who specializes in Islam and is a professor at the Gregorian University, Rome is unable to affirm the Catholic Faith.

According to his bio data ‘Until 2005, Troll was a twelve-year member of the Catholic Church's sub commission for religious relations with Muslims, which is part of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue (PCID).’He represented Cardinal Jean Pierre Tauran, Prefect of the Vatican Pontifical Council for Inter Religious Dialogue.

His book Muslims ask, Christian answer  contains heresy since he interprets Vatican Council II (LG 16) as contradicting the infallible teaching  extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Christian Troll does not interpret Lumen Gentium 16 as referring to de jure salvation. Instead he considers it de facto and explicit.

Aside from theology and Church teachings rationality tells us that the baptism of desire or genuine invincible ignorance is subjective, unseeable, non testable, implicit and known only to God. So how can implicit faith be explicit like the baptism of water and Catholic Faith (knowledge of the Incarnation, Trinity and Catholic prayers).

We cannot say that any specific person has implicit faith. So it would mean that LG 16 has to refer to only a concept, acceptable in principle, as something which is a possibility, in certain circumstances and unknown to us since it is not explicit.

So how could LG 16 contradict the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which refers to explicit faith, being needed for all people with no exceptions, that we can know of ( with no cases of implicit faith that we can know of) ?

So it means that all Muslims with no exception need explicit faith, they need to convert to avoid Hell and if there is any one among them who has the baptism of desire or is in genuine invincible ignorance it would be known only to God.

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