Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Pro homosexuality advertisements on Rome’s buses are now asking mothers to send their children to the pro gay organisations so that they can talk to them. There has been no comment from the Rome Vicariate here.

Children directed to the pro homosexual and lesbian site advertised will be told that Lesbians, Homosexuals and others have inherited their problem. This is false since hundreds of persons have changed their orientation through counselling, prayer and family support.

Homosexual organisations abroad have even conducted a campaign against groups offering legal counselling for people homosexuals. It is believed that a cause of homosexuality are Eastern techniques of meditation, yoga, the occult and mortal sins which open the psyche to deviant spirits feminine and masculine.

The children will be told by the helpline attendant that scientific research according to the United Nations etc shows that it is normal to be gay. They will not be told that scientific research which shows that homosexuals have a greater propensity towards diseases and death has been rejected by the United Nations. A lady researcher in the USA was criticized by the New York Times since here findings showed that homosexuals in the USA were more likely to have diseases like AIDS an to be caarriers of other diseases .This was reported by LifeSites.com.Her research was considered political. Similarly the ‘scientific data’ at the UN is politically motivated and only politically cotrrect findings are accepted. They reject research which indicates that sodomy is a carrier of rare diseases and AIDS.

Homosexuality is contrary to the natural law which is known to all people. This will not be told to children who call up the gay telephone line.

Catholics believe Jesus has given the moral authority to only the Catholic Church and not to the media, politicians and others. The Church teaches that homosexuality is a grave sin and orients a person to Hell at the time of death.

The Catholic Church opposes pro homosexuality laws. All political laws must have Jesus as the centre and be according to the Gospel as interpreted by the Catholic Church outside of which there is no salvation and in which everybody needs to become a visible member.

Cardinal Agostino Vaillani, Prefect, Prefect of the Vicariate in Rome has not commented on the advertisements on the buses which is a form of hatred directed against the Catholic Church. It is saying that the Catholic Church is not the sole moral authority or not even an authority in Italy.

The government presently prohibits religious advertisements while the secular newspapers conduct a daily hate campaign against the Catholic Church in Italy.

They also conduct a disinformation service against the Church by stating that the Church has changed its teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus and that everyone does not have to become a visible member of the Catholic Church anymore. They also claim that Fr. Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for heresy for teaching that everyone needs to be a card carrying member of the Church to avoid Hell. There is no clarification issued by Cardinal Vaillani.

None of this was mentioned in a recent interview he gave to a local magazine Panorama which claimed priests’ frequent gay bars.

Instead of just responding to the leftist pro Satan propaganda he could be pro active and affirm the teachings of the Catholic Church, 'in season and out'.

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