Saturday, July 31, 2010


I often walk pass via San Teodoro and I remember San Maximilliam Kolbe. Here is the friary where he lived and studied when he was in Rome.

The building houses the friaries of the Franciscan community and the office of the Militia Immaculata magazine.

I have been giving them my literature and have spoken briefly to some of the students there.

Today afternoon I saw two persons at the door and one of them looked like a senior priest. I went up to speak to him as I heard the other person he was talking to address him as 'padre'.

He was in the process of closing the door when I introduced myself and confirmed he was a priest. I said I had a personal leaflet (volantini) which I would like him to read and maybe I could speak to him or someone else about the subject later.

When he saw the leaflet he said he knew about it. He had read it and was ready to shut the door. He said he would not like to speak to me about it.

I asked him his name

He said it was not important.

"Anche tua nome non e importante?” (Even your name is not important) I gasped out loud.

I could have said to myself this is no Maximillian Kolbe.

St. Kolbe would not deny extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He was a Catholic priest who was not ashamed to speak about the Catholic Faith. He did not avoid saying things to protect his life, property or anything else.

This priest even did not want to give me his name!


          St. Maximilian M. Kolbe Friary

The Friary of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Rome and Its Community

Between the Campidoglio (Capitol Hill) and the Palatine Hill, in the area of the ancient Boario Market, in the historical center of Rome: these are the coordinates that would help you find the Friary dedicated to St. Maximilian M. Kolbe on a map of Rome. Among the Friars it is often referred to, erroneously, as Casa Kolbe. Until the end of 1963 it was the seat of the International College and the theological faculty of “St. Bonaventure”. In the following years, a part of the complex was rented out as an hotel, mostly intended to offer hospitality to pilgrims at a reasonable price. One part continued to be a Friary, but the use and care was the responsibility of the CIMP, which made it their center: the Italian MI, Mission Center, and SFO Assistant. The International MI Center also operated from there. Under the Generalate of Friar Joachim Giermek, the agreement with CIMP came to an end and a total reconstruction of the complex was begun, that would see part of the building as an hotel, and another part reserved for a community of Friars. At the end of the restructuring project, officially October 1, 2007, but actually it was October 3, one could see the two entities completely autonomous in their configuration and function. The hotel, under new ownership, has changed the name from “Casa Kolbe” to “Kolbe Hotel Rome”, and, at the same time, improved their service, so that today it is a four star hotel. The Friary is completely separated from the hotel, with its own dining room, kitchen, laundry, and general services. It offers an internal Chapel, 18 rooms for Friars, and a guest area with 7 rooms for the guests of the Friars with 15 beds available. Also within the Friary is the large Chapel from the College and the previous refectory which had been part of the hotel. On the first floor of the Friary, next to the Friar’s Chapel, one finds the room where Friar Kolbe stayed while he was in Rome, and where he founded the Militia of the Immaculate. The room and attached parlor is being reconfigured into a small Kolbian Sanctuary as part of the original project.

Following the termination of the agreement with CIMP, the Friary returned to being dependent upon the central government of the Order, and consequently, the community has been organized by the Minister General with his Definitory as an international community of diverse services, specifically attached to the work of the central government of the Order. Actually, following the sad death of Friar Daniel Pietrzak, the community numbers 14 Friars, two of which are not priests, and who together, are given over to the daily care of the Friary and the community. The responsibilities of the other Friars are defined by their present jobs, and all have offices attached to the Friary. There is, in fact, the International Center for the MI, which offers some local help and is the office for the General Assistant for the MI. There are also: the General Secretariat for Formation, with two Friars; the General Secretariat for Mission Animation, with two Friars; the General Secretariat for Justice, Peace, Safeguarding of Creation, Ecumenism, and Interreligious Dialogue, with two Friars, the General Assistant, OFM Conv. for the SFO, the Assistant and Delegate for the Poor Clares and Institutes aggregated to our Order; the Coordinator of the Project for the Revision of the Constitutions, who also takes on the ministry of Guardian. Besides these, of great significance to the concern of the Order for the Church, there is the service offered by Friar Gianni Huang who works for the Church in the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (China Section), and Friar Paolo Liu, asked by the government of the Order to continue the work on “Project China”, bringing to completion our desire to re-establish a mission presence in that immense land. There are other small pastoral services such as helping with confessions at the Basilica of the Twelve Holy Apostles, daily liturgy for the community of the Sisters of St. Joseph, neighbors to our house – a long standing tradition that we have seen even for a time with St. Maximilian, as a young priest; the voluntary revival of continuity and fraternity. As we have noted, it is a community open to the world, not only in composition (2 from Argentina, 2 from China, 1 from Colombia, 4 from Italy, and 5 from Poland), but also as an apostolic project; for this is a community in which “the journey” finds daily meaning through the dimension of “collaboration”. Practically all of the Friars are called to work as a team, not only from the viewpoint of fraternity, but also from the very mode and criteria necessary to accomplish what they identify as their tasks, going about the world providing service to the diverse peoples and Church, where the Lord has planted the charism of our Order. Given this reality, the first Conventual Chapter of the community decided that, in keeping with the various meetings with the General Definitory (which gave us some directions between now and the next Ordinary General Chapter), the whole community would come together in an effort to be a visible and tangible fraternity, at table and at common prayer. It decided upon “fraternity days”: ten days a year in which the Friars would exchange their experiences, especially after long periods of absence, for some.

These days are intended for formation, retreat, Conventual Chapter, calmly and joyfully sharing their experiences. These days are attended by all. Even when various Friars are on trips to various continents we follow them with daily prayer, and they constantly inform us of their activities by telephone or e-mail. These are new ways in which the community has begun its new walk. Every day is an occasion to learn something new, each day we are invited to reflect upon another dynamic of Franciscan life. Each day is a time for the Lord to call us to renew our mutual concern and understanding of the diversity through which we express our unity and to open our hearts to the need of Christian salvation which the world needs from the life and activity of every Friar. Also, for all of this, every day is a thanksgiving to the Lord. We desire to make ourselves ever more aware of a greater dimension of our Franciscan Life.

Friar Fermino Giacometti
friar Fermino GIACOMETTI
of the Province of the Marches
- Guardian

Convento S. Massimiliano M. Kolbe,Via di San Teodoro, 42,00186 Rome, Italy
(0039) 06.69766401
(0039) 06.69766433
International Center of the Militia of the Immaculata

friar Eugenio GALIGNANO

of the Province of Apulia - Italy

- International President of the M.I.


Convento S. Massimiliano M. Kolbe

Via di San Teodoro, 42,00186 Rome, Italy
(0039) 06.69766401,(0039) 06.69766433

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