Saturday, July 24, 2010


There is a pro gay advertisement campaign underway on the buses of Rome and now the secularists and Zionists are telling Catholic parents what to do if their child claims being a homosexual or lesbian or any of the other variations in between.
The advertisement is that of a dour middle aged woman. She was formerly on posters claiming that she was gay and she encouraged people to use a telephone helpline.
Recently there was a gay pride exhibition day near the Colliseum which was heavily guarded by the police.Not far from that meeting members of the Militia Christi were present with a large poster which said homosexuality is a perversion.
MC believes that all laws must have Jesus at the centre. There should be no political legislation without the teachings of the Gospel as understood by the Catholic Church. This is the only church Jesus founded.
The Zionists,Communists, Socialists and other supporters of Satan oppose this teaching.
So we now have a pro gay middle aged lady telling Catholics how to bring up their children.

This is an initial step of Satan.Finally Satan intends to use the homosexual legislation to prohibit Catholics from living their faith.One will not be able to work or study in an instituion if one does not accept this New Human Right. If one persists in expressing Catholic teaching there could be cases and fines on leftist charges of discrimination, racism based on sex etc. Then only those churches will be allowed to function freely who are willing to conduct homosexual and lesbian marriages. Finally those Churches who do not refuse the Eucharist to homosexuals will be permitted legally.
Along with the leftist antisemitism laws every effort will be made to change the  Vatican or have it removed publicly.
In some of Her messages Our Lady has prepared us for this time. It will a time of suffering but it will pass. The church will emerge evangelical though financially poor.
Then in spirit and truth, without all the deadwoood of dissent and rebellion that it now carries, it will proclaim the Gospel and evangelize all people.More Catholics will realize that the Church still teaches after Vatican Council II that everyone needs to be a visible member of Jesus' Mystical  Body the Catholic Church. Those who have not converted at the time of death are on the way to Hell,as are homosexuals and lesbians.

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