Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Yesterday evening I heard the Rector of the Jesuit seminary in Rome, Chiesa Del Gesu, comment on St. Lawrence the Deacon. The Rector was meeting two friends, who could be priests and were leaving together for some place.It was the feast day of St. Lawrence the Deacon who did not compromise on the Catholic Faith.

Try and picture this Jesuit Rector from East Europe or the Italian Rector of the Basilica Chiesa del Gesu, where lies the body of St. Ignatius of Loyola, also picture some of the other dissidents at this Basilica say : all the Jews and Muslims living in the locality in front of the Church (Largo Argentina) are on the sad way to Hell unless they become Catholics.

The Jesuits who say this,could be choosing the path of St. Lawrence Deacon and Martyr.

Instead yesterday evening I had to listen to the homily from an elderly Jesuit priest on St. Lawrence but who could not believe in the teachings on salvation and mission according to St. Ignatius of Loyola. Nor of St. Francis Xavier. There is a relic of the arm of St. Francis Xavier at an altar in this church.

I do not remember his homily now but I know I did not  go up to receive the Eucharist during Mass.

I do not know where the Rector and his friends were going  but presently there is a pro-diversity (diversity=valori) media campaign on prominently at Termini. It seems like a Communist ‘conscientization of the masses’. Soft-sell brainwashing, to make the people accept leftist Diversity. Diversity, as at Jesuit Boston College, USA.

There has been no criticism of diversity here and the silence could show that they approve of it. It means rejecting the Bible’s teaching on homosexuality and Jesus’ call to proclaim the Good News, to the Jews (and other non Catholics) that they need to enter the only Church Jesus founded outside of which no one is saved who is a formal member.

Saying this could mean being martyred by St. Lawrence and losing Church property.

If a Jesuit was as honest as St. Lawrence and say that Vatican Council II says all the educated Muslims and Jews in Rome are on the path to Hell- fire, the leftists, communists and atheists who call themselves cultural Catholics would protest. They would call for the Jesuit's suspension.

The Vicariate Rome would also call for his suspension since they have to protect their property at St. John Lateran Universtity.

St. Lawrence, gave all the Church property and money to the poor. Then he proclaimed the faith, also with his life.

Next month sadly will be the anniversary for Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco’s telling the Jewish Rabbis in an official directive of CEI (Conf. of Italian Bishops) that Jews do not have to convert in the present times. It was a sell out for the Church in Italy and the Vatican.

When doctrines are changed at the altar of expedience (G.K Chesterton) then it is the work of the Devil.

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