Saturday, August 28, 2010

Is it time to sue the Missionaries of Charity: Discrimination on the basis of religion?

How can a juridical person (Superior) not affirm in public an ex cathedra dogma? How can you also receive the Eucharist in this condition?

Fr. Sebastian Vazhakhala M.C denies the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and refused me permission to live temporarily a few years back at Casa Serena, Largo Preneste. It is the home for Aged and Shelterless under the management of his community the Missionaries of Charity Contemplative men. The Nephew of Fr. Sebastian Vazhakhala, Deacon Benedict also from India rejects the ex cathedra dogma since it was part of his formation at the Angelicum. He is In charge of a new home donated to the community in Rome. The Sisters In charge at the Missionaries of Charity, San Gregorio in Cielo told me to stop coming there. I was told I was not a Catholic because I had the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

I have no intentions of taking them to court I still consider them as friends and have much affection for them.

However there is the issue of the ex cathedra dogma, heresy and sacrilege. There is the voice of the Eucharist.

Here is the ex cathedra dogma which every Superior according to Canon Law are obligated to affirm and teach others.

1. “There is but one universal Church of the faithful, outside which no one at all is saved.” (Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215). Ex cathedra.

2.“We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” (Pope Boniface VIII, the Bull Unam Sanctam, 1302.).Ex cathedra.

3.“The most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and heretics and schismatics, can have a share in life eternal; but that they will go into the eternal fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless before death they are joined with Her; and that so important is the unity of this ecclesiastical body that only those remaining within this unity can profit by the sacraments of the Church unto salvation, and they alone can receive an eternal recompense for their fasts, their almsgivings, their other works of Christian piety and the duties of a Christian soldier. No one, let his almsgiving be as great as it may, no one, even if he pour out his blood for the Name of Christ, can be saved, unless he remain within the bosom and the unity of the Catholic Church.” (Pope Eugene IV, the Bull Cantate Domino, 1441.) Ex cathedra – from the website and “No Salvation outside the Church”: Link List, the Three Dogmatic Statements Regarding EENS
To reject an ex cathedra dogma is a mortal sin. You are automatically excommunicated. To reject the Creed is a mortal sin. We pray ‘I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins’. This is what the dogma says. Everyone needs the baptism of water to remove Original Sin.

We do not know of a single case of a person with Original Sin who does not need the Baptism of water to avoid Hell.

This is the Creed which the M.C Superiors in Rome do not affirm.

We also pray ‘I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church’. It’s the Holy Spirit, which guides the Magisterium of the Catholic Church to teach this centuries old teaching which comes from the time of Jesus (John 3:5,Matt:16:16 etc).

So the M.C Superiors are rejecting the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed. This is first class heresy. It is a blatant rejection of the Athanasius Creed which says outside the Church there is no salvation.

In this condition how can Fr .Sebastian Vazhakhala and Deacon Benedict M.C offer the Novus Ordo Mass? How can the Superiors at San Gregorio, receive the Eucharist?

While maintaining his confusing and heretical rejection of the ex cathedra dogma Fr. Sebastian Vazhakhala also distorts Vatican Council I, Lumen Gentium 16.

How can LG 16 refer to explicit baptism of desire or invincible ignorance?

The Council of Florence, which gave us the ex cathedra Cantate Domino, obviously knew there could be no explicit baptism of desire or invincible ignorance.

For us it is always implicit (a concept only) and unknown. It is only a probability known to God. So it can never be in conflict with the infallible teaching that everyone needs to be a formal, visible member of the Church to avoid Hell.

At the M.C Home Largo Preneste, Rome where Rabindranath Tagore is popular, yoga is practiced and there computer has a report of a Yoga Mass, it could be difficult to protect one’s faith, as the Catechism asks of us.

Quite a few priests have left this community which was originally was founded by Mother Teresa who was orthodox in her Catholic beliefs.

How can you reject the Creed and an ex cathedra dogma, interpret Vatican Council II as you like and believe this is not a scandal, heresy and a sacrilege at Mass?

I may not sue you but another Catholic could do so for misrepresentation. How can the Superiors claim they are Catholic when they cannot affirm an ex cathedra dogma in public? How can they hold the post of a Superior when they are not Catholics?



According to an announcement on the Internet:


Kolkata: 10 Settembre Ore: 17.00

Presso:Casa Madre delle Missionarie della Carità - Kolkata

Graz: 27 Agosto Ore: 17.00  Presso: "Platz der Menschenwürde" (Kreuzung Vorbeckgasse/Dominikanergasse/Annenstraße)

Statements for the 100 Birthday of Mother Teresa and presentation of the Statue of Mother Teresa (Provisional instalation) (Political Representations of the country and the city of Graz, consular representatives of the Republics of Albania and Kosovo, representatives of Christian churches and Islamic religious communities)

Interfaith celebration (Readings from the Bible and the Koran, blessing ritual and Indian dance)

Ore: 18:00


The Director

Mother Teresa Center,524 West Calle Primera, Suite #1005N,San Ysidro CA 92173,USA

Phone/FAX: 0052 664 621 3763 (Tijuana, Mexico)

Mother Teresa Centre
Piazza S. Gregorio al Celio, 2,0184 Rome, ITALY
Phone: +39 06-772-60230,FAX: +39 06-700-168,
Electronic mail: General Information:

Missionaries of Charity - Contemplative
V. S. Agapito,8 00177 - Rome
Tel. 06 / - fax 06 /

The Movement known as the Lay Missionaries of Charity (LMC) is an International Association of Lay people: married and single who adhering to the Spirit and Charism of the M.C. Family make private (juridically) vows of Chastity (conjugal), Poverty, Obedience and the fourth vow of Whole-Hearted Free Service to the poorest of the poor beginning with the members of one's own family. Remaining in the heart of the world, the LMCs consecrate the world itself to God everywhere offering worship by the holiness of their lives expressed through prayer, penance and works of mercy, after the example of the Holy Family of Nazareth.

History - On April 16, 1984 four lay persons, all married made their "private vows" in the Chapel of the Missionaries of Charity - Contemplative in Via S. Agapito, 8 - Rome. These four were associated with our life of prayer, penance and works of mercy for several years; and then for about two years they studied the document that juts came out 'Familiaris Consortio' (22.11.1981) and then on Tuesday in the Holy Week of the extraordinary year of our redemption the first four took their private vows in the presence of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Fr. Sebastian Vazhakala M.C. and Community and many lay people.

Purpose - Its purpose is to sanctify themselves and their own families by consecrating themselves, their families and the whole world entirely to God after the example of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and practice the same virtues they practised.

Patron - The Holy Family of Nazareth is their heavenly patron, protector and intercessor.

Ecclesiastical Status - As the Statutes were ready, we applied to the Vicar of Rome who accepted, blessed approved our movement on 25th February, 1987. (see in the Statutes the copy of the letter of His Eminence, Cardinal Ugo Poletti of Rome).

Growth and Development - Thanks to God's grace the Movement began to grow quite rapidly and started to spread to the various countries of Europe, North, Central and South America and its Statutes translated into over 15 languages. Besides we have a small prayer book of our own and also many have the Liturgy of the Hours which they pray daily, at least the Lauds and Vespers.

The countries - There are LMCs in Europe (Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Holland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, Poland, Hungary); in the Americas (U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Argentina), India, Macao...

There are over 1.000 consecrated persons, and several are in formation.

Formation - The LMCs have a period called 'Come and see' i.e. to frequent the group on a regular basis, to read, study and reflect on the Statutes, to come in touch with the Spiritual Director and the MC Brothers or Sisters, if possible. At the end the of the 'Come and See' period, the candidate(s) after due dialogue with the Spiritual Director, may begin the year of formation in preparation for their first vows (cf. Statutes Nos. 6 - 8).

Spiritual Director - Each group has to have a priest as its spiritual director who is expected to know the Statutes and the MC Spirit who guides the group together with the group Link.

Structure -

a) Spiritual Directors: local, national, international;

b) Lay Links: local (3 years), national (3 years), international (3 years).

Meetings - Each group meets once a week as a rule; if not possible once in two weeks ("The family that prays together stays together") (cfr. Statutes 42b, Nos. 1-9). National meeting once a year, if possible. Once in 4 or 5 years International meetings (?).

International Meetings - So far the Movement had two International meetings:1) Rome, October 5-10, 1992. Number of participants: 109, 16 countries.2) Lourdes, September 22-29, 1996. Number of participants: 175, 19 countries.

God bless you.

Fr. Sebastian Vazhakala M.C.


1 comment:

  1. Lionel-

    The reason these people will not affirm it ( the dogma) is because after Vatican II it was simply ignored in order to fit in with a more "universalist" and "ecumenical" version of the Faith. They can get away with it because the Church has been lax on enforcing almost anything since the Council closed. No one talks of Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus anymore because it doesn't fit in with the new orientation within the Church. I think many( including bishops and priests and probably even Cardinals) hoped that this dogma would just disappear if it was ignored and by and large it has and the state of the Church reflects it.

    Now many people believe that no matter who you are or what you believe or don't believe you are saved and will go to heaven and outside a handful of traditionalists it seems like no one telling these people that it is not true.
