Monday, August 30, 2010


Gaddafi is in Rome and has offered 70 euros to young women to listen to his introductory talk on Islam. It is organized through an organization Hostessweb according to the local newspapers. Three of the women it is reported who attended his talk have converted. They have converted into the religion in which you circle a large stone during the Muslim pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia and symbolically throw stones at Satan. Then in the entire process they believe their sins are forgiven.

The women were handed copies of the Quran and were invited to follow the Arab religion of Mohammad. It’s a religion now hit by secularism, violent infighting and conversions to Christianity through inspired evangelical preachers and Protestant communities.

Gaddafi’s vision of an Islamic Europe could mean homosexuals would desert their present offices and flee for their life. There would be no liquor abuse in public, no immodesty in clothes would be permitted and pro abortionists would turn pro life, to protect their own life.

It would also mean that those who do not convert to Islam would have the opportunity to be martyred for Jesus Christ.

Pope John Paul II, who kissed the Quran, indicated that Gaddafi and all Muslims, including the suicide bombers, were in a religion which had ‘good and holy’ things but was not a path to Heaven. Even their Prophet according to Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) was oriented to Hell.

Pope John Paul II taught that Jesus died for all Muslims but to receive this salvation they need to formally enter the Catholic Church (Dominus Iesus 20) and that Islam was not a path to salvation and there was no theology which could say so ( CDF, Notification, Fr. J. Dupuis S.J 2001). In inter-religious dialogue, he said, it needs to be remembered that the Catholic Church is the ordinary means of salvation (Redemptoris Missio 55 ) and that Islam is in a ‘deficient situation’(Dominus Iesus).

The main line socialist-Zionist newspapers in Italy were critical of Gaddafi. A person who lives so extravagantly was now speaking about Islam they observed. The Colonel, now heading towards old age, killed all his Muslim political opponents in Libya.

Pope John Paul II never retracted the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The 'rigorist interpretation' of the dogma is in accord with Vatican Council II,Ad Gentes 7 which says 'all people' need Catholic  Faith and the Baptism of water for salvation.

Lumen Gentium 16 does not refer to explicit, but implicit (as a concept only) salvation. We do not know of any case of explicit baptism of desire which is a grace, or gift, given by God and known only to Him. So we cannot say that Gaddafi has the Baptism of desire. The ordinary way of salvation for all Muslims and for him is Catholic Faith with the baptism of water.

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