Thursday, September 2, 2010

Italian priests says extra ecclesiam nulla salus, everyone needs to enter the Church through the baptism of water for salvation

Will not comment on Gaddafi but says Muslims who know about the church and do not enter cannot be saved. Also makes contradictory statements

Fr. Giovanni offered the 6.30 evening Mass today at the Church of San Giovanni Battista dei Fiorentini , Rome and in his homily spoke about the lack of unity in the Early Catholic Church which St. Paul observed.

In answer to a question, speaking with me in the sacristy, he said that the teaching extra ecclesiam nulla salus was traced to the Early Church Fathers of the Catholic Church and it means that no one today can be saved without the baptism of water.

The Baptism of water is given to adults with Catholic Faith it many be mentioned.

He observed however if there was anyone in invincible ignorance then that person could still be saved without the baptism of water.I

However those who knew about the Catholic Church but did not enter are on the way to Hell he said. They have no excuse he observed.

What about Gaddafi? I asked. He knows about the Catholic Church and has not entered. He is on the path to Hell ?.

He would not answer. I persisted he still would not answer.

I asked how can we Catholics proclaim the faith when priests  will not answer this question.

He did not seem to understand what I said but responded, that, we can proclaim the faith with our life and actions.

That’s what I wanted him to do. Proclaim the faith with his actions and may be his life by answering my question.

So finally I was left in confusion as to what this young priest from Sicily was really saying.

He accepted the dogma outside the church there is no salvation according to the Church Fathers but was not proclaiming the ‘rigorist interpretation’ of the dogma. So it was a denial of the dogma.He had changed it.

He was affirming Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II that ‘all people’ need to enter the Catholic Church but yet was saying not all people because those in invincible ignorance etc were exceptions to the need of the Baptism of water. This was irrational.

Then he indicated that all people, all Muslims need to enter the Church through the Baptism of water but would not mention the name of Gaddafi.

He also clearly emphasized Ad Gentes 7 that those who know about the Church and yet did not enter are on the way to Hell. Yet he would not say that Gaddafi was on the way to Hell.

And his homily was about the lack of unity and confusion in the Church at the time of St. Paul!!

San Giovanni de' Fiorentini
Basilica Parrocchiale
00186 Roma
Chiesa Piazza dell'Oro 1
Uffici Via Acciaioli 2
Tel/Fax +39 6 68892059

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