Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Rome priest will not comment if the Church teaches that Gaddafi and all Muslims are on the way to Hell  

The Parish priest of a Church in the centre of Rome, who belongs to the Servite Order (Servi di Maria) yesterday, said that he Eucharist can be given to people immodestly dressed and it is not a mortal sin. He would also not reply when asked is the Church teaches that the Libyan Gaddafi is on the path to Hell along with all Muslims.

P.Umberto Maria Scalabrini (  ) was speaking with me at the Parish Church Santa Maria in Via, Largo Chigi, off the via Del Corso, Rome.

Similar to the Servi di Maria Rector of a Church down the road, Santa

Maria in Via Lata, they do not think it is improper to give the Eucharist to men and women in short tight pants.

Father Umberto said that we cannot judge a person by his clothing. There could be a well dressed man who is also in mortal sin and could come up for the Eucharist. The Bible says not to judge he said.

This is Protestant theology misapplied by the Servite Order.

1) We cannot make the exception of a well dressed man, the new rule or norm for mortal sin. Neither can any of us judge the well dressed people.

2) Veritatis Splendor the moral encyclical of Pope John Paul II says the outer action indicated the inner intention. A mortal sin is always a mortal sin states Veritatis Splendor.

So when someone is immodestly dressed; vulgar it’s a sin against chastity, it’s a scandal and the cause of lust in others. Lust is a mortal sin according to the Catechism.

The ex cathedra dogma Cantate Domino, Council of Florence says Hell has fire, so does the Bible and the saints who have been there. So did Our Lady at Fatima. By the way we dress we can send a person to the fires of Hell for all eternity.

I told this priest of the Servite Order, which in its origin was a mendicant order, about the post on my blog yesterday and asked him if he would like to comment.

Does the Church say that Moammar Gaddafi the Libyan leader and all Muslims including the suicide bombers are on the way to Hell?

He would not answer and spoke about the need for prayers for them. Even when I repeated the question and mentioned that he was not answering the question, he would talk about something else.

In this way, too, other Servi di Maria priests are likely to proclaim the Gospel.

They have a seminary in Rome and Fr.Umberto considers the church Santa Maria in Via a Marian shrine.

In the 13th century there was a miraculous font of water which gushed here. Now the original spring of water has dried up. People still come to collect water in faith.

After praying the rosary with them yesterday I left the Church and did not want to attend Mass there which was about to begin. The last time I was there I did not receive the Eucharist when I saw the priest give the Eucharist to a tall man in shorts.

The Servi di Maria priests also do not accept the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They also deny that Ad Gentes 7 indicates that all the Jews and Muslims are on the path to Hell because they know about the Catholic Church and yet do not enter.

The Servi di Maria here have thrown away the Church teachings on morals (modesty) and salvation (extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Vatican Council II, Ad Gentes).Why should people want to go for Confession?

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