Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Intolerant Jewish Left Rabbi invited

Rabbi Levi is permitted to lecture Catholic seminarians this semester at the University in Rome founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, who held the rigorist interpretation of the ex cathedra dogma extra eccleisam nulla salus.

Rabbis Levi and Pacifici, who object to basic Catholic teaching are associated with the Jewish Anti Defamation League and the B’nai Birt, Italy.They are pro abortion and pro homosexuality.

They have been invited to speak by Fr. Thomas Casey S.J the new Director of the Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies at this Jesuit university in Rome.

Catholic seminarians studying other courses at the Gregorian University will get academic credits for listening to these secular left Jewish exponents.

They will also have to listen to talks by Anna Foa, who supports the anti Semitism laws placed in Italy , according to the daily Il Messaggero and believes they need to be applied here.

It was reported in the last post that the Gregorian University, Rome offers a Masters Degree where the Catholic Faith is taught as just one part of Christianity. Vatican Council II and the Catechism are interpreted according to the Jewish Left, some of whose representatives, Rabbi Levi, Anna Foa etc, will actually be teaching in this course. Catholic seminarians are invited for this two two years Masters Degree in Religion and Culture announced by this Pontifical University’s Institute for the Study of Religions and Cultures (ISRC). The program seems like the Theosophical Society’s Comparative Study of Religions however the president of the ISIRC is a Jesuit priest Fr. Felix Koernet S.J (Koerner@unigre.it Tel: 06.6701.5686).

The ISRC and Cardinal Bea Centre will not mention that:

1. The Catholic Church teaches that Judaism, Islam and the other religions are not paths to salvation. The religions have good things in them but are false paths to salvation.

2. The Catholic Church teaches that Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water are needed for all people with no exception, to go to

3. The Catholic Church has not retracted the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It still is a Magisterial teaching. Its rigorist interpretation is in harmony with Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7), the Catechism of the Catholic Church N.846, 845 and other Magisterial documents (Dominus Iesus 20 etc).

4. When a Catholic meets a non Catholic at the Gregorian University he know that the Jew, Muslim etc is oriented to Hell and is not in invincible ignorance or has the baptism of desire. (Cantate Domino, Council of Florence, Ex Cathedra, Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II, Dominus Iesus 20, CDF, Notification, Dupuis 2001 etc).

The Jesuit faculty at ISRC denies or changes the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It is a mortal sin if this is done knowingly. Canon Law 915 states a priest in mortal sin is not to offer Holy Mass. He must first go for Confession says the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Then he must remove the public scandal.

The ISIRC Masters program is announced in the course syllabus book of the university. It is on the Notice Board. It is expressed in personal meetings with the Director Fr. Felix Koerner S.J. It is public knowledge.In public they reject or change an infallible dogma which can only one interpretation, the rigorist interpretation.

Here is a mortal sin in public. According to Pope John Paul’s Veritatis Splendor a mortal sin is a mortal sin. The outer action indicates the inner intention. In this case it includes grave matter, an ex cathedra dogma. God will decide the intention of the professor if it was an exceptional case. This is relevant only after he dies.

Fr. Felix Koerner S.J, Fr. Thomas G. Casey S.J (casey@unigre.it ), Fr.Troll(babiloni@cibedo.de), and others have no right to continue in persistent mortal sin and also offer Holy Mass. Canon 915 must be applied to stop the sacrilege of the Eucharist.

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