Friday, October 8, 2010

Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters Lk 11:15-16: homily today refers only to Jesus and the Kingdom and not the Catholic Church

Professor-priest  continues to proclaim Jesus and the Kingdom without the Catholic Church

At morning Mass today the homily never mentioned that ‘whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters’ refers to Jesus and the Catholic Church.

Whoever is not with me is against me,and whoever does not gather with me scatters. (Luke 11:15-16)

The Rector Mons. Natale Loda at the Church of San Giuseppe a Capo le Case, Rome spoke on ‘whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters’ but as usual proclaimed Jesus without the necessity of the Church.

Dominus Iesus tells us that we cannot separate Jesus from the Kingdom of God and neither cn we separate the Catholic Church from the Kingdom of God  and that is exactly what this Italian priest did this morning and has been doing so over the years.

He is a professor at the St. John Lateran University and the Oriental College, Rome and says no one today believes in the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

John 3:5 tells us that we need to baptized with water into a community, the early Church. There was no independent baptism of water without a Church. At that time the only Church that existed was the Catholic Church. There were no Protestant or evangelical churches and the Orthodox Church had not been formed yet through their schism.

Jesus used two words when speaking to St. Peter: “my church”. Thou are Peter and upon this Rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

So Jesus as Saviour cannot be separated from the Church and the Sacraments of that Church which He instituted, including the Baptism of water.

We also know that he who does not believe will be condemned.(Mk: 16:16). Those who do not believe who are not with us and scatter are those who have rejected Jesus Christ and His Church.

They include all those in other religions and in non-Catholic Christian communities. If there is anyone among them with the exceptional invincible ignorance, a good conscience or the baptism of desire it will be known only to God. If there is anyone who is saved among them it will be known only to God however the Bible tells us that in general, all non Catholics need to accept Jesus and the Church to avoid Hell.

If the Italian professor proclaims the necessity of the Church will he not be suspended or lose his job at the two universities he teaches at ?

So is his proclamation of only Jesus without the Church really making a virtue out of a necessity?

By excluding the Church he maintains his present life style.
To reject an ex cathedra dogma in public is a mortal sin and a priest in this condition is not to offer Holy Mass.

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