Monday, November 29, 2010


Here are a set of questions, with anticipated answers, to ask him

For media requests email Stephen Phelan at, or call 540-551-2547

If you are a  journalist who has been granted an appointment please ask Mons. Ignacio Barreiro Interim President, Human Life International if he affirms and agrees with:

1. Cantata Domino, Council of Florence, ex cathedra on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
2. Dominus Iesus 20, Ad Gentes 7, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846 in accord with Cantate Domino.

The President of HLI is required to 'give public witness to the authentic teachings of the Catholic Church'. Total fidelity to Church teachings is required (See FOR APPLICANTS: President Human Life International).

If he does not answer the question: ‘Do you affirm and agree with the Catholic ex cathedra dogma Cantate Domino?’ assume the answer is NO. (If he does answer YES please inform me Lionel Andrades E-mail: )

If the answer is NO please ask him

1) How can he hold his post as President according to Catholic Canon Law? A juridical person according to Canon Law i.e. a Rector or President, has to be a Catholic. Here he is not affirming the Catholic Faith.

2) How can he claim he is a priest in good standing? He is not affirming in public an ex cathedra dogma and post Vatican Council II documents which support it.

If he answers that he affirms extra ecclesiam nulla salus as ‘the Church teaches it' and ‘as expressed in the Catechism’ ask him:

1. For Mons. Barreiro does the Catechism say only those people who know about Jesus and the Church and yet do not enter are on the way to Hell? Only those people?

If his answer is YES, note this is the liberal secular interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). It has no basis in the Deposit of the Faith which says everyone with no exception needs to enter the Church formally. It’a rejection of Cantate Domino. To knowingly reject an ex cathedra dogma is a mortal sin.

It is also a rejection of another part of the Catechism 845,846. CCC 846 says everyone needs to enter the Church as through a door. This is the traditional teaching.

Point out the difference to Mons. Barreiro i.e.
1. the liberal secular interpretation and
2. The traditional, centuries old interpretation on EENS.

Ask him if there is any Magisterial text or Church announcement which says that the liberal, secular interpretation is what ‘the Church teaches’ on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

He will not be able to cite any text.

Remind him that he has

1. not affirmed Cantate Domino,

2. claimed the teaching as been changed through the Catechism (or Vatican Council II)

3. and not been able to cite any Magisterial text or church announcement to back his claim.

Is this not heresy?

An HLI President in manifest, public heresy?

If he says that the text itself in the Catechism (or Vatican Council II) is ‘proof’ i.e. those who know about the church and do not enter are oriented to Hell is the proof itself. Point out to him that there is another interpretation of that same text by a Catholic who affirms Cantate Domino and Vatican Council II and attends the Novus Ordo Mass. So the text is neutral in the Catechism.

So we now have a liberal interpretation of a neutral text and a traditional interpretation.

HLI has chosen the liberal interpretation and claims it is ‘proof’.

We are back to the heresy charge.

The same set of questions can also be asked of other Catholic leaders of pro life organisations e.g. Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life. Once one knows the questions and anticipates the answers and further questions, all one has to do is quote Barreiro/Pavone. The pattern of the answers you will see are the same with the liberals.


FOR APPLICANTS: President of Human Life International
President,Human Life International,

Human Life International in Front Royal, Virginia is seeking qualified applicants to assume the duties of president. Although a full-time priest in good standing with his diocese or religious order is preferred, consideration will also be given to an exceptionally qualified deacons, religious, and laypersons.

The president reports directly to the board of directors and is responsible for spiritual leadership at the central office as well as for activities in 87 countries. Duties may include, but are not limited to: staff management, public relations, program development, training, fundraising, and giving public witness to the authentic teachings of the Catholic Church. Extensive travel, either domestically or internationally, is an important aspect of the position.

Total fidelity to Church teachings is required, and the ideal candidate also will demonstrate excellent speaking and writing skills. Fluency in Spanish and other languages is desired, but not required. Proficiency with communicating through the media to articulate Catholic teachings on the sanctity of human life is essential.

Interested candidates should submit: 1) letter of introduction including a description of qualifications for the position; 2) resume/CV; 3) name and contact information for three professional, three spiritual, and three social references. A priest applicant should submit a letter from his bishop or religious superior indicating that if the priest is selected, his bishop or superior would allow him to serve HLI and indicating any applicable time restrictions on such service.

If available, please include a copy of at least one pro-life article written by the applicant and a DVD of a pro-life talk delivered by the applicant.

Reply to: Patricia Bainbridge, Chairman, Human Life International. 4
Family Life Lane, Front Royal, Virginia 22630 or email
If responding via e-mail, please place on subject line: HLI President (Emphasis added)

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