Friday, December 10, 2010


The Archdiocese of Washington has began an active promotional campaign since Archbishop Donald Wuerl was installed a cardinal. The secular left media is also reporting that Wuerls’ giving the Eucharist to pro abortion politicians was his plus point in receiving the red hat from the pope.

Wuerl is  the head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Doctrinal Committee. They promote the liberal, secular, progressivist interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Wuerl was on the doctrinal committee in the Fr.Peter Phan case when they used the progressivist mantra 'everyone needs to enter the Church except for those in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire'.  The first part of the sentence suggests everyone as in the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The second part of the sentence suggests that cases of  the baptism of desire or persons saved in invincible ignorance are explicit to us, they are known to us in particular cases and so contradict the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is contradictory to the Principle of Non Contradiction and the familiar rationality.

Wuerl’s installation as cardinal is a sign of the times we are living in. At La Salett, Fatima, Akita, Our Lady has said that the faith will be lost and priests and religious will accept compromise.

Wuerl is close to the ADL and other Zionists. He sends educationists from the Archdiocese on an ADL project to Israel where they are told that Jews do not have to convert in the present times.

It is ADL, the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and other Zionists who have an important say and position, in decisions being made by the Catholic Church, according to newspaper reports.

In 2008 the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone in an official letter to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel said that the Revised Good Friday Prayer was not for the conversion of the Jews in the present times. This prevented war with Israel according to secular newspaper reports.

The ADL has objected to the entry of the Society of St. Pius X into the Catholic Church.

While the Chief Rabbinate of Israel has threatened that there will be a deterioration of relations (polite term for hostilities?) if Pope Pius XII is made a saint.

It’s under such conditions that the Holy Father has to make decisions.His priority is the unity of the church.

After the lifting of the excommunications against the SSPX bishops including Bishop Williamson and the first protests from the Jewish Left started to come in the  Vatican spokesman said that the bishops were free to have personal opinions on different subjects. Cardinal Bagnasco, the President of the Catholic Conference of Bishops opposed the lifting of the excommunication of Bishop Williamson.This was in direct opposition of the Vatican policy. Rabbi Ricardo Segni Pacifici publically thanked him. Soon the same position was adopted by the USCCB and other conferences e.g. Britain.

It seems that the Bishops Conferences make decisions and the Vatican must follow otherwise there would be tension. The present rebellion and lack of unity would show up publically. There could also be a schism from the Left.

So today we have to accept that it is some kind of a sin to deny the six million figure of Jews killed in the Holocaust but it is not a mortal sin to go up to Wuerl to receive the Eucharist.

Remember what St. Alphonsus Ligouri wrote: If you go to receive the Sacrament from a priest or Eucharist Minister ( or cardinal ?)  in public mortal sin you commit a grave sin yourself. (Teologia Moralis Bk.3.N.47).

So what if he is a cardinal? We know our Catholic Faith which never changes. Objective reality never changes. Even if there is a new pope tomorrow and he teaches something different we know our Catholic Faith which never changes and it is the only sure way to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

According to  Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco Jews do not have to convert in the present times. This is contrary to the New Testament especially the Gospel of St. John. Is Bagnasco, Wuerl and Bertone excommunicated automatically ? They are rejecting an ex cathedra dogma, Cantate Domino, Council of Florence.

Cardinal Ratzinger and Cardinal Bertone had Fr. Balasuriya(OMI) excommunicated for  rejecting an ex cathedra dogma.

Bertone, Wuerl and Bagnasco have all recently received the red hat instead.

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