Monday, December 20, 2010


Yesterday the homily and Mass intention proclaimed Jesus without the Church. During the homily the priest briefly mentioned the need to follow Jesus’ ‘teaching’. Yet Jesus taught that he was the only Saviour in the only Church that saves. In this Church, the Bible tells us, that all people without  exception need to enter to avoid Hell; to be saved.

The young priest said Jesus was God who came down to us as a human being, a man. While those who go to the Temple, those in other religions, worship God at a distance and unknown . Fine- but he could have also said that they all (non Catholics) are not in the Catholic Church and so are going towards Hell. Was saying this not important? Or, politically, the Catholic priest cannot mention it in Italy? Extra ecclesiam nulla salus is a taboo teaching. The ‘dogma of the faith will be lost’ Our Lady said at Fatima.

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus is the teaching of Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7). It is the official teaching of the Church today, according to post Vatican Council II magisterial texts. This has been the teaching of the Church for centuries (Cantate Domino, Council of Florence, Ex Cathedra). Everyone needs to formally enter the Church for salvation and there are no exceptions is  the Catholic teaching that a priest in Italy does not have political freedom to say  to Catholics in Church!

If a priest cannot mention ' the necessity of the Church’ in which all people, with no exception need to enter, then it is accepting the Zionist interpretation of Vatican Council II. It would be promoting Vatican Council II as Prof. Roberto dei Mattei observed at a conference last week, ‘with no text from Vatican Council II’.

There is no text in Vatican Council II which states non Catholics do not have to convert into the Church for salvation. No text.

If there are any Catholics who are saved, and who are not visible members of the Church to us (though they could be visible members for God) it will be known only to God. Only to God it is known who is saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) or the baptism of desire. No Catholic or Zionist knows of a single case of someone being saved in invincible ignorance, with a good conscience, the baptism of desire, perfect contrition or full or partial communion with the Church. Vatican Council II does not say that we personally know of any such cases. Vatican Council II instead indicates that we do not know any exception to the rigorist interpretation of the dogma outside the church there is no salvation.

Is a catholic priest in Rome free politically to mention this? No. There is silent oppression on the Church. Catholic Zionists would complain. Some of the familiar Catholic Zionists are Andrea Ricardi and the San Egidio community, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Italy.

The Augustinian–Recollect priest yesterday evening was giving his homily in a  small church, near Piazza Barberini, Rome, where a large stone sculpture of a Jewish menorah has been installed in the piazza.

That sculpture can be a symbol of the rejection of the Church’s teaching on the Social Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ; the need for Jesus to be the centre of all political legislation. This church teaching is opposed by the secular Zionist political system in Italy.

There is no separation of Church and state according to the teachings of the Catholic Church. No separation of church and state? Can a priest say this in his homily? No. There is  no political freedom in Rome for a priest to mention this teaching in his homily.
 It’s been a long time now that they have also got instructions not to mention Hell.

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