Saturday, January 8, 2011


An Italian priest in Rome had called attention to the report by Cardinal Walter Kaspar saying that Jews do not need to convert now but in the end times only. Father Tullio Rotondo had written to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith regarding the front page L'Osservatore Romano (10 April 2008) report of the President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity and the Commission for Rapport with the Jews.

Later speaking with me at the Basilica of St. Mary Majors, he said, that this was contrary to ecumenism with the Orthodox Churches who believe that Jews need to convert now. This is also contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Father Tullio Rotondo in a an e-mail message to me said that the cardinal’s statement was contary to the Bible in which all Jews are called to conversion.

Fr. Rotondo said that Jesus had called all people to convert, especially the Jews. Jesus had sent His Apostles to convert all people.

Fr.Rotondo referred to Bible passages:
Matt.3:2.Matt.4:17,Matt.11:20, Matt.12:41,Matt.13:15,Matt 18:3,Mark 1:15,Marck 4:12, Mark 6:12,Luk 5:32, Luke 10:30,Luke 11:32,Luk 13:3,Luke 13:5,Luke 15:7,Luke 15:10,John 12:40,Acts
 3:26,9:35,Acts.20:21,Acts.26:20,Acts.28:27,2 Tim.2:25.

The above Biblical quotations,Fr.Tullio Rotondo said ,help us understand that first and foremost the Jews need to convert and then the others. It makes us understand that we must preach for the conversion of the Jews and we must pray and appeal to the saints for this conversion.

We pray also for the conversion of the cardinals, he said, who say things that appear scandalous and contrary to the Sacred Faith. Don Tullio said that he is praying also that the Holy Father intervenes.

Don Tullio said that we must fight also in the Church of God, for the Truth.

it may be mentioned that the pope has revealed recently in the book written by Peter Seewald, and not contradicted by the CDF, that Jews do not have to convert into the Catholic Church in the present times.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s Prefect Cardinal William Levada knows about all this and has accepted it as Catholic teaching.

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