Monday, January 17, 2011


Catholic.netThe Legionaries of Christ website - Catholics on the net have removed the post POPE CONTRADICTS BIBLE on its Forum Section.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Editor Rosalie normally defends the Church against criticism. She could not comment on this post, for or against. Probably after consulting the Legionaries of Christ it was decided to remove all my posts.

A Catholic editor like her and priests of the Legionaries of Christ including whom she consults could have pointed out the errors in the article.

They could not.

They knew what I wrote was correct. Our pope contradicted the Bible. He also contradicted an ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and is in mortal sin. He is not in communion with the Church. He is automatically excommunicated. These are the teachings of the Church and not my personal views and theories. Hard things to say. I wish someone else would do it.

Also it is not an accidental mistake of the pope. He created theologies to mislead Catholics, to justify heresy and prevent being persecuted by the Zionists (Israel, ADL etc) who advocate Satanic values (abortion, homosexuality etc).

This is not being Light of the World, as the heretical book is titled. It is the acquiescence to darkness, evil and hate.

The teachings of the Church refer to objective reality, which never changes at the supernatural level and on our soul, they apply to all Catholics, including popes.

Not only has removed that post but every post sent over quote a few years. Does she consider me as a sedevacantist or non Catholic, or Catholic in mortal sin? Was she acting out of obedience to protect here job?

Is it something they believe in but cannot express in writing!?

The present Rector of the Legionaries of Christ seminary in Rome, PIMME, Fr.J.Duennas L.C, where I studied as a seminarian in 2002 told Fr. Andraz Martinez L.C, my former Spiritual Director to tell me and my present Spiritual Director Fr. Michael Ryan, that my scholarship for studying Philosophy at the University UPRA would be stopped. It would be stopped  if I did not stop distributing my leaflets outside he seminary and university premises. Fr. Andraz informed me. The leaflets had just two quotations. One from Dominus Iesus and the other from the CDF Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis 2001. Finally the warning came to pass.

Obviously there was some pressure being brought on the LC priests, some of whom were my friends, from Superiors. Cardinal Ratzinger was issuing advice and instructions via the telephone and confidential letters, this was a common practise at that time. This was all unlike Pope John Paul II who at New Delhi issued Ecclesia di Asia in 1999 when he boldly and directly asked all there in that country to convert. The Archbishop of Delhi, a European caved. He wanted to save his life? Was he afraid of losing his life? He announced that the call to conversion was a call to personal conversion. He died shortly after that announcement. It was a tragic death in Bosnia-Croatia.

Pope John Paul II’s strength was not a modern army or militant population but his Faith.

That Faith was not there in the LC’s nor in my Spiritual Director Fr. Andraz who informed me through a seminarian friend that Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston was excommunicated for saying everyone with no exception needed to enter the Church, the same as me.

This is the Jewish Left, Zionist propaganda. It is there political position. Catholic priests are not obligated to mouth it aloud.An LC priest is expected to cite Magisterial texts which state Fr. Feeney was excommunicated for heresy and not disobedience (Letter of the Holy Office 1949/Denzinger). A priest does not quote ‘political ideology’. Yet this will be done by the present Rector of PIMME.It is Freemasons and Zionists who want Catholics to think that Fr. Feeney was excommunicated for affirming the rigorist interpretation of the dogma. He was not.

There Pope John Paul II was appealing to all Hindus and other non Catholics, to enter the Church for salvation and here he was saying that a priest Fr. Feeney who said just that was excommunicated for heresy.

If the LC priest or says I am wrong where is the Church Magisterial text to support their view? None.

All they have are interpretations of the secular media with no texts in Vatican Council II knows that there are no texts which can be used against me from the Bible and the subject is painful.

If there is an Administrator of a Catholic Discussion Board who would like to discuss this issue I would like to post that report and answer questions and ask questions.

Lionel Andrades

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