Friday, February 18, 2011


She was killed by a direct hit from a lightning bolt. She was then before Jesus the Judge, who allowed her to return to earth because of the intercessory prayers of a simple villager, unknown to her, who was moved at the tragic death of the young doctor.

We know one has to be a Catholic to go to Heaven. There are only Catholics in Heaven. The saints, including St. Francis Xavier, recount many cases of people returning from the dead only to be baptized. Gloria Polo’s story is different. She was a Catholic. Baptized. But was in sin.

However instead of sending her to her punishment, Jesus gave her a second chance.

She now gives her testimony all over the world in a new material body that was healed from the one charred and burnt internally.

The second time she dies, Jesus told her, she will be judged like everyone else.

A booklet is available here in Italian which is a translation of her talk given at a conference. She is known here and will give her testimony at the Basilica of Santa Anastasia al Palatino in Rome on March 14 at 4 p.m.

Like St. Faustina Kowalska who was allowed to see Heaven, Hell and Purgatory, while she lived, Gloria Polo gives her account of what she saw.

A religious sister from Columbia, here in Rome, told me that she attended a conference for women. They were told that at the end of the conference there would be a surprise for everyone. The surprise was the presence of Gloria Polo. The sister said it was a miracle that Gloria could give birth to a healthy baby, after the condition she was in at the time of ‘death’.

When you listen to Gloria Polo you realize that God’s ways are not our ways and no one knows the Mind of God.

Dr. Gloria Polo says it is important to be a Catholic.



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