Monday, June 27, 2011


The Rector and professors at the Urbaniana Pontifical University, Rome are teaching the same error as the sedevacantists Most Holy Family Monastery (MHFM), USA. They both imply that those saved with the  baptism of desire are de facto known to us in the present times so it contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The sedevancantists reject the baptism of desire completely. The MHFM believes it’s an exception to Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441, on extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Sandra Mazzolini a professor at Urbaniana rejects Cantate Domino as it was interpreted for centuries. She also believes that those saved with the baptism of desire or invincible ignorance are known to us in the present times. So it contradicts the dogma Cantate Domino.

The sedevacantists affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Urbaniana denies it. They both wrongly assume that cases of the baptism of desire are as real as the baptism of water.

They both believe that the dogma is opposed by a baptism of desire which is defacto, real and known to us personally .They are united in the error here.

Yet a student at Urbaniana University could reason out that the baptism of desire is only known to God. It is de facto for God only. We do not know a single case. We can only accept it in principle (de jure).It is always hypothetical, a concept for us.

How can what is hypothetical for us contradict Cantate Domino on everyone explicitly needing to be a formal member of the Catholic Church for salvation?

Sandra Mazzolini is promoting her book in Italian in which she implies non Catholics are de facto saved with the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance. These cases it is implied are known to us in the present times. So she assumes this contradicts the ‘rigorist interpretation’ of the centuries-old dogma.

She offers a course for students at the Urbaniana which teaches that the dogma extra eccleisam nulla salus has ‘developed’. This claim is made in the Urbaniana University Handbook (Kalendarium).

It has ‘developed’ for her in Vatican Council II as it has for the Urbaniana Rector, since Vatican Council II says non Catholics could be saved in invincible ignorance with a good conscience, by the Word of God, in partial communion with the Church. All these examples according to Urbaniana, refer to de facto cases known in the present time.

Yet it is common sense that we do not personally know any of these cases. They are hypothetical for us. Something we can only accept in principle, so how can they contradict Cantate Domino?

Is this what is being taught to Catholic students and seminarians at this  Pontifical University approved by the Congregation for Catholic Education? Yes.

The university assumes there is text in Vatican Council II which contradicts the dogma. There is no text.

The Catholic Church has not retracted the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus . For centuries the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance were known and it was not an issue. It was not made into a new doctrine to change, reject or ‘develop’ extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The dogma is in accord with Ad Genets 7, Catechism of the Catholic Church N.845, 846.

Dogmas and doctrines are being changed in Pontifical Universities - in this case, with a common sense error.

Photo top: His Eminence, Zenon Cardinal Grocholewski, Prefect, Congregation  for Catholic Education (below) Sandra Mazzolini


  1. her arguments quite alright holds some truths, however, the reality on the ground proves that a church is a human making. meaning it is led by human thinking hence can be corrupted. what we need is to redefine what the church is. I totally agree when we define the church as body of Christ, not as an institution. the church as the body of Christ encompasses all the people irrespective of one's affiliations. therefore, to think that the fullness of salvation subsists in the catholic church we are taking a church as an institution which fall short of substantial evidence

  2. the reality on the ground proves that a church is a human making

    The reality on the ground and the after life 'on the ground' is that there is a Heaven and often forgotten, Hell.

    Those who do not have the baptism of water with Catholic Faith, among adults, are on the way to Hell.(AG 7). This is also called objective reality which never changes.

    It is corrupted human thinking, which denies the Nicene Creed, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Vatican Council II (AG 7) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846 and still pretends it is Catholic.

    This is heresy and mortal sin and the deception of the Evil One.

    The Faculty at Urbaniana University, may be most of them, assume all salvation mentioned in Vatican Council II is visible instead of invisible for us. One does not have to be a theologian or Catholic to know this is wrong. It is contrary to common sense.

    P.s Excuse the delay in responding.
