Saturday, August 13, 2011

Franciscan Conventuals and Militia Immaculata need to show how Vatican Council II supports St. Maximillian Kolbe on the ‘strict interpretation’ of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

St.Maximillian Kolbe believed everybody needed to be a visible member of the Church to avoid Hell.

St. Maximilian Kolbe evangelised with the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus and not the Wikipedia, Catholic Answers, USCCB, leftist-version.The 70th anniversary of his death will be observed tomorrow (August 14, 2011).

Kolbe believed everyone needed to be a visible member of the Catholic Church to avoid Hell. He celebrated his First Mass, after his ordination on April 28, 1918, at the altar of the Miracle in the Church of Sant Andrea della Fratte, Rome. It was here that the Jewish financier Alphonse Ratisbonne was shown in a flash the beauty and importance of the Catholic Church for the salvation of all, when Our Lady appeared to him. He became a Catholic priest and a missionary.

The Militia Immaculata and the Cities of Mary did not teach new doctrines. Kolbe never said like Wikipedia that everyone does not have to be a visible member of the Catholic Church since it is possible someone known on earth could die a martyr or with the baptism of desire –implying you could bump into him on the street and so this is an exception to the dogma. Catholics do not laugh at this but believe it is true. They accept this non-Kolbian doctrine without thinking or reflecting.

If they saw through the foolishness in the Wikipedia entry on ‘extra ecclesiam nulla salus’, ‘Fr. Leonard Feeney’ and Feenyism’, parishes would once again be missionary wherever they are. The Militia Immaculata, Franciscan Conventuals and the Niepokalanov (Cities of Mary) could become once again what they were at the time of St. Maximillian Kolbe. Missionary!

The Franciscan Conventuals and the Militia Immaculata need to show how Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) supports St. Maximillian Kolbe on the ‘strict interpretation’ of extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Lumen Gentium 16, on invincible ignorance does not contradict Kolbe since we do not know any particular case of a non Catholic saved implicitly.

The ex cathedra dogma (Fourth Lateran Council, Bull Unam Sanctam and Cantate Domino) say all non Catholics with no exception need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. Kolbe publications today say something else.

The texts of Magisterial documents, including Pope John Paul II’s Catechism of the Catholic Church and Dominus Iesus, affirm the 'rigorist interpretation' of the dogma outside the church there is no salvation, just as St. Maximilian Kolbe, in the newspaper he edited.

The Catechism n.846 says everyone needs to enter the Church ‘as through a door’. It is a quotation from Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II. Ad Gentes 7 also says all need Catholic Faith and baptism. Dominus Iesus 20 says Jesus died for all and to receive this salvation all need to enter the Church.Outside the Church there is no salvation.

Wikipedia says all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church implying everyone does not have to become a formal member of the Church. Yet we know that the teaching those who are saved explicitly (Catholic Faith and the baptism of water) or implicitly (baptism of desire, invincible ignorance etc) does not contradict the dogmatic teaching that everyone with no exceptions, need to be a visible member of the Church to avoid Hell.

The Freemasons, for whom Kolbe asked us to pray, say otherwise.

This was the original prayer I had learnt, which Kolbe taught. The words could be different now. The latter part of the prayer of course has been changed:

‘Our Lady conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee, and for all sinners, especially Freemasons.’

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