Tuesday, August 30, 2011

“my church”- Jesus

Carmelites priest believes non Catholics can be saved who are not visible members of the Church and this is the ordinary way of salvation and these cases are not known to us, so all non Catholics and non Christians do not have to enter the Church visibly as the dogma teaches

The Gospel reading (Saturday evening Aug.20, 2011) carried those two special words “my church”. Jesus gives St. Peter the ‘keys’ and calls His Church “my church”. At that time there were no Sola Scriptura Protestant community nor Orthodox Christians in schism. There was only one church. One community.

The long line of popes from St. Peter is traced only to the Catholic Church. Only in this Church there is salvation and if anyone is saved who is not a visible member of this Church it would be known only to God. We don’t even know if today there really is someone saved who is not a formal, visible member of the Church. All the same, in heaven there are only Catholics.

The elderly Carmelite priest in his homily Saturday evening at the Church Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome said we must be faithful to the pope not only when he speaks ex cathedra but also in his ordinary magisterium. True in general but we cannot be faithful to the pope when he contradicts the ordinary and extra ordinary magisterium of the previous popes.

Pope Benedict XVI has said Jews do not have to convert in the present time according to Zenit News and other media. He contradicts Jesus in the Bible and an ex cathdra dogma, thrice defined - extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He contradicts Lumen Gentium 14 and Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II which indicates Catholic faith and the baptism of water is the ordinary way of salvation. He contradicts Pope John Paul (Dominus Iesus 20, CCC 846 etc)

The Carmelite priest himself was having difficulty with this teaching and could not say everyone needs to be a visible member of the Church with no exception (Cantate Domino, Council of Florence).
-Lionel Andrades

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