Wednesday, August 3, 2011


RealCatholicTV has produced a video on the Catholic Church being the one, true Church for salvation yet so many questions are unanswered.(Only Catholics in  Heaven )  There is so much confusion among Catholics on this subject.
1. Are all Protestants and Orthodox Catholics on the way to Hell as states the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?

2. Does the Church still teach that all Hindus, Jews, Muslims and other non Christians, with no exception are on the path to Hell, unless they convert into the Church?

3. Venerable Pope Pius XII in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 referred to the ‘dogma’, the ‘infallible teaching’. Through ‘the dogma’ was the pope saying all non Catholics in Boston need to convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell?

4. Can implicit baptism of desire be known to us 'explicitly' in particular cases, so it contradicts the dogma?

5. If only Jesus knows who is saved in invincible ignorance then how can Lumen Gentium 16, Vatican Council II contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?

6. How can the secular media claim that Fr. Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for heresy when he was repeating exactly what was taught by the Church Councils, popes and saints on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?

7. When the secular media, Reuters for example, claims that the Catholic Church has changed its teaching, after Vatican Council II, regarding other religions, where is the text in Vatican Council II for the basis of this false claim?

8. Where in Nostra Aetate, Vatican Council II is it said that non Catholic religions are paths to salvation or that non Catholics can be saved in general in their religion?

9. Why in all the Catholic Churches in the USA do they proclaim Jesus without the Church; without the necessity of membership in the Church for salvation?

So when the RealCatholic TV team talk to youth at the World Youth Day in Spain, young people could ask, “Why is abortion wrong when the Protestants allow it and they are all going to Heaven according to the Catholic Church?”, “If the Church can change its teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus can it not do so also on contraception?”, “If all Hindus, Muslims and , Buddhists are not going to Hell with mortal sins on their soul what is wrong with contraception ?”, “Even Lutherans who dress immodestly will go to Heaven if they are in invincible ignorance? The dogma indicated originally that they are all, with no exception, on the way to Hell now you make an exception with invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire? Like you can also make an exception for immodesty in clothes and wilful lust as not being a mortal sin?”

“All roads lead to Heaven, like, you don’t say on Real Catholic TV that all the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Pentecostals are damned to Hell?”

“I mean if Vatican Council II has changed Church teaching on outside the Church there is no salvation, then I guess, everything is open to change?”

“If it is prudent, expedient and politically safe for you to deny an ex cathedra dogma cannot I have reasons also to abort?”
-Lionel Andrades



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