Thursday, September 29, 2011


He believed everyone needs to be a visible, ‘card carrying’ member of the Catholic Church as taught in the Nicene Creed. The President of Catholic Culture cannot in reality affirm the Nicene and Athanasius Creed and criticizes Fr. Leonard Feeney. He opposes his co-editor Phil Lawler.

The President of Catholic has not denied an email I sent him yesterday of the blog post ‘PRESIDENT OF CATHOLIC CULTURE DENIES THE NICENE CREED’ September 28,2011.

Unlike Fr. Leonard Feeney whom he criticizes Jeff Mirus is unable to affirm the Athanasius Creed which says outside the church there is no salvation. Mirus refuses to endorse Cantate Domino, Council of Florence which was one of three ex cathedra dogmas on outside the Church there is no salvation.

He also refuses to accept Vatican Council II (LG 14,AG 7) which indicates that Catholic Faith and the baptism of water is the ordinary means of salvation. Instead he believes invincible ignorance (LG 16) is the ordinary means of salvation and so the Native Americans were also saved before the Catholic missionaries went there.(See Tragic Errors of Fr.Leonard Feeney. It is placed on the internet by Mirus’ Trinity Communications ).

Philip F. Lawler, the Director, Catholic Culture has written a book titled "The Faithful Departed: The Collapse of Boston's Catholic Culture". In this book he mentions that Cardinal Richard Cushing, the Archbishop of Boston was compromised. The archbishop rejected a dogma of the Catholic Church wrote Phillip Lawler. Lawler is co editor at Catholic Culture and his views differ from that expressed by Jeff Mirus in the online article of Fr.William Most, Tragic Errors of Fr.Leonard Feeney.

A Catholic who denies the Creed is not to receive the Eucharist.

The article placed by Jeff Mirus on the internet contains many factual errors and can be noticed when one compares it with the report by Peter Vere, Canon Lawyer.

The actual lifting of Father’s excommunication was executed by Fr. Richard Shmaruk, a priest of the Boston Archdiocese, on behalf of Bishop Bernard Flanagan of Worcester. While visiting Boston about ten years ago, I spoke with Fr. Shmaruk and he personally corroborated the events that led to him reconciling Fr. Feeney with the Church.
On pages 259 to 262 of his book They Fought the Good Fight, Brother Thomas Mary Sennott diligently chronicles the reconciliation of Fr. Feeney, as well as the subsequent reconciliation of several of Father’s spiritual descendants. Brother Sennott quotes from two respectable Catholic news sources (The Advocate and the Catholic Free Press). I have independently confirmed the  quotations and context of the primary sources.
Brother Sennottt also notes that Father’s memorial mass was celebrated by Bishop Bernard Flanagan in the Cathedral of St. Paul, Worcester. This would have given rise to scandal had Father not been fully reconciled with the Church. Br. Sennott’s book received an imprimi potest from Bishop Timothy Harrington of the Diocese of Worcester, meaning the book is free from doctrinal or moral error. Thus unless one is willing to declare oneself sedevacantist or sedeprivationist, the evidence is overwhelming that Fr. Feeney died in full communion with the Church without recanting his position.- Peter Vere Canon Lawyer on the Status of those who hold Fr.Leonard Feeney’s Doctrinal Position

-Lionel Andrades

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