Saturday, October 1, 2011


Jesuits have some 24 advocates in Rome but none to represent Catholics who are not leftists.
There are leftist proselytism and anti Semitism and may be other laws enforced in Italy against Catholics living their Faith or expressing it. Even Catholic Universities in Italy are changing Church teaching to avoid political and legal action against them.

A Catholic volunteer legal system is needed to defend the rights of Catholics, not just traditionalists and sedevacantists but also those who affirm Vatican Council II and attend the Novus Ordo Mass in Italian and other languages here.

Catholic university professors and priests are not affirming the faith but changing it, to avoid legal action against them. Even the homilies at Holy Mass cannot touch upon certain subjects. The priests have got their ‘instructions’.

So if there is a prayer group interested in Mission do not expect a Spiritual Director to help. He has to protect his legal position and that of the Vatican.

There is no Mission in Rome according to Church doctrines and they call it ‘being prudent’.

In one of her messages, Our Lady said that a time would come when those who are faithful to the teachings of the Church will be handed over to the authorities. I assume it would be liberal bishops and priests who would report such cases to the secular authorities. She told the late Fr. Stefano Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests that some Catholics may be called to make a sacrifice of their life. All the enemies of the Church would be united against Catholics.

The Jesuits have a legal system to protect themselves and their property. However this facility may not be available for Jesuit dissenters faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Fr. Massimo is the Rector of the Chiesa Del Gesu, Rome where lies the body of St. Ignatius of Loyola .This Church is opposite the Jewish locality. Fr. Massimo has said that the pagans were saved in Goa, the former Portuguese colony, before the arrival of St. Francis Xavier S.J. This is contrary to the Nicene Creed and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. If he said the Catholic Church teaches that all pagans Jews and Muslims need the baptism of water and Catholic Faith to avoid Hell he could be transferred to avoid litigation against the Jesuit community. The litigation could come from the Jewish community nearby where there are thriving businesses including a shop offering kabbala services.

The Jesuits in Rome have some 24 advocates, as part of their refugee services. Many of the immigrants claim they are victims of persecution in their county and this is true and so the work of the Jesuits is appreciated. However many of these cases are false and just seek to settle in Italy. Most of the immigrants  are  Muslims. There are Muslim organizations that provide legal help for Muslims in Italy. This facility is not there for Catholics.

The Jesuit centre is in keeping with the leftist goal to change the Catholic majority as soon as possible. There is no Jesuit legal system to support Catholics in Italy persecuted for living and expressing their Catholic Faith.

Rabbis can claim compensation under anti Semitic laws which are vague. This is similar to the Blasphemy Laws in Muslim countries. The media supports the Jewish Left which is pro abortion and things Satanic. Conservative Rabbis in Israel and the USA consider these Jewish Left groups as anti Semitic.

There is so much of hate expressed in the mainstream media against Catholics. Even doctrines, only of Catholics, are attacked. If a Catholic expressed his faith honestly it would be considered racist, proselytism or what not. Catholic doctrines like Original Sin and salvation are criticized in the media. No doctrine of Muslims or Jews are attacked.

There were two Rabbis who visited Vatican offices and met with cardinals it was reported in Avvenire. They were warned about Catholic Mission and possible litigation against them from Jewish Left organisations in Italy. One of these Rabbis, Rabbi Levi, opposed to the freedom of religious expression for Catholics has been employed as a visiting professor at the Jesuit Gregorian University in Rome.

Gay centres are being open all over Rome and they are obviously financed to bring down the Catholic Church in its present form. They will help the Church to become poor but evangelical, once again. It could be a purification.

The situation in Italy is similar to that of European countries. Damian Thompson is owner editor of the Catholic Herald, U.K. His neo liberal Catholic newspaper will not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus since he could suffer financially. Catholic publications and journalists have the same fear here. Catholics do not have an identity since the ‘dogma of the faith’ extra ecclesiam nulla salus has been dismantled.

The Vatican has political priorities and is on the defensive. Transfers are being made to probably please the Jewish Left, Masons and their supporters. The aim of the Enemy is to get a ‘just do it’, ‘there is no sin, devil or Hell’, pope. Then the enemies of the Church will welcome the new pope and praise him for being liberal without mentioning that they have been  working for this goal  through the legal and political system. They would welcome the new pope and pretend as if they had nothing to do with his election. This time will pass away Our Lady assures us.

In the end what will count is us individual Catholics living our Faith. Not the compromised Catholic faith of leftists with a false Church and a false image of Jesus. For these individual Catholics in the present times a legal system that supports them, similar to the Catholic League and the Thomas More Law Centre in the USA, would be useful.-Lionel Andrades

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