Monday, October 10, 2011


What about non Catholic religions like Orthodox Christians, Protestants and Pentecostals?

Christianity is the true religion while other religions are false writes Corrado Gnerre in Il Settimanale di Padre Pio, Dio e Cattolico!Verita del Cattolicesimo e falsità delle altre religioni ( Sept.25, 2011).

The Catholic Faith is the one true faith and Judaism and Islamism are not paths to salvation.

Gnerre in his books Apologetica and Apologetica Vol II shows how there is only one true worship in the Catholic Faith and other religions are false paths to salvation. The ‘great religions’ are false paths to salvation (LG 14,AG 7).

He quotes the Bible, the Church Councils, the popes and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The quotations from popes and Councils on extra eccleisam nulla salus do not mention those saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire. Since they did not consider them as exceptions to the dogma. Venerable Pope Pius XII did not consider ‘those only who know about the church’ as an exception to ‘the dogma’. We cannot know such exceptions and only God can judge who ‘knows’ and who is in invincible ignorance. The dogma refers to every one on earth needing to enter the Church for salvation.

This error was unfortunately assumed by a young priest I spoke to yesterday Sunday morning.

Corrado Gnerre teaches at the Universita Europa di Roma situated at the University Pontifical Regina Apostolorum (UPRA) of the Legionaries of Christ. Last Friday I spoke to Fr. Rafael Pascual L.C, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, UPRA.

Some of Corrado’s books were on display yesterday Sunday morning at the Church of the Annunziata, Lungotevere, Rome. Also there were the French editions of Cristo al Mondo published in Jan 2009. The English edition of Christ to the World has a report Church Not Retracted Outside the Church No Salvation. The magazine under the Vicariate has been suspended.

There is no Magisterial document which says the Church has retracted the dogma extra eccleisam nulla salus. The dogma indicates, as does Corrado Gnerre that non Chistian religions (Hinduism, Judaism, Islamism etc) and non Catholic religions (Orthodox Christians, Protestants, etc) are not paths to salvation and all their members are oriented to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church- Lionel Andrades

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